Chapter 1005

“Let me tell you something,” he began, his voice filled with mischief. Whenever I was out with these buddies of mine, lan would never answer my calls. He would just hang up on me. But recently, because of all the ruckus in the Raymond family, he decided to pick up the phone. But I can bet you, he won’t show up here. He’ll call in less than a minute.”

No sooner had he voiced this prediction than his phone began to ring. It was indeed lan calling.

Ryan didn’t pick up. Instead, he bumped his shoulder against Maja’s in a friendly nudge.

“See, he never calls me first. But now, he’s panicking.”

Ryan then hung up on lan right in front of Maja.

But in less than a few seconds, lan called again.

Just like Ryan had said, lan was indeed panicking.

Ryan kept hanging up, but this time, lan sent him a video call request.

Ryan nearly dropped his glass of whisky. He knew lan was desperate, but he didn’t expect him to be this desperate.

Ryan was a bit scared now, worried about what might happen when lan eventually showed up.

He quickly turned to Maja.

all this for you. To show you how much my cousin cares about you. If

didn’t believe this. So, Ryan handed her his phone.

you don’t believe me, call Jeff. Ask him what

her hopes might be too high, leading to disappointment

dialed Jeff’s number for

situation, had no choice but to take

window and then at the executives waiting inside the conference

happening and assumed Maja had tried to call lan first, and when he didn’t pick up,


of joy surged in Maja’s heart. She asked softly, “Is it

been promoted. This is the president’s first meeting with the

at Ryan, whose phone was still being bombarded with video call requests from

sweating profusely now, scared of

was so frightened that he didn’t

phone in the trash and running away.

his friends reminded him, “Your phone has been ringing for so long. Why haven’t you answered it yet? It’s going to run out of battery


ended the conversation with Jeff. After hanging up, she felt a pat on her

I’m going to hide in the bathroom for a while. When you guys leave, remember


was sweeter when she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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