
Chapter 1034

Zoey was pulling a late–nighter at the office until 3 a.m., feeling light–headed and wobbly as she descended the steps of the building. Just as she was about to get into her car, a group of men charged at her from the shadows, striking her head with a bat. She blacked out instantly.

The men, their heads hidden under baseball caps, tried to hide their faces, and then quickly dragged Zoey into a different vehicle.

She was jolted awake by a splash of icy water. She looked up to see several masked men staring at her, the leader tossing her phone back at her. “Call Maja, let her come rescue you.”

It seemed like they were after Ms. Penny feather.

At first, she refused to cooperate, turning her head away.

The leader crouched down, roughly grabbing her by the hair and forcing her face upwards before delivering a sharp slap.

“I’d advise you not to piss us off, or else you’ll be entertaining all five of us,” He growled.

Zoey’s head was knocked to the side by the force of the slap, a trickle of blood oozing from her mouth.

The man kicked her phone with his foot.

“Make the call. If you don’t do it in the next ten minutes, we’ll rape you.”

The menacing aura they exuded was far beyond petty thugs, they were clearly professional kidnappers.

She took in her surroundings, it appeared to be some abandoned basement on the outskirts, damp and dark.

She reluctantly picked up her phone. She had no choice but to make the call. She spoke just one line before hanging up quickly.

“I’ve been kidnapped.”

the man on the other end was drunk, he tossed the phone

the kidnappers saw that she hadn’t called Maja and deceived them,

think you can play

of them began to undress her, but the leader

a.m. in the morning and

she answered the call, a threatening voice came from the

alone to this place. If


He took the

out a mouthful of blood

make her scream to prove to Maja that they

did was cough a

can out–stubborn us?

speaking, Maja’s voice came

touch her until I get

up, Ms. Pennyfeather. A few minutes late and your assistant wont be clean anymore. Just in time too. We brothers have been pent up for half a

to her, had already gotten up, one hand around

“What happened?”

been kidnapped. They’re after

already dressed and was making

his men had pinned down

you stay here, I’ll

I’m worried about Zoey.”

her come along. But when they arrived, all they found were the


building was practically ruined, two of the kidnappers were even pinned

terrified, immediately called Zoey.

without delay, the building

her clothes torn to shreds, covered in dust.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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