Chapter 1083

Patric relentlessly hammered the same narrative into Holden’s ears repeatedly

“Grandpa, your favored grandson was treated like a lab animal, strapped onto an experimental table. He wasn’t seen as the golden boy anymore but as a rabbit waiting to be dissected. All because you agreed to let him take on that mission years ago Grandpa, how come lan is so lucky? He’s now the heir. enjoying your love and protection, while I’m the one facing the brunt of it all. Would I still have to protect him if I weren’t his brother?”

Holden, already frail with age, could hardly bear to hear these words.

The mere thought of Eric, such a promising individual, being treated as a lab rat made Holden vomit blood

In his younger days, Holden was known for his iron will, byt now, in his twilight years, family was all that mattered

His two most cherished grandsons were lan and Eric

Over the years, believing that Eric had died, he had peacefully handed over the reins of the Raymond Corporation. But just as he was on the brink of death, he found out that his beloved grandson was used for live experiments

These experiments must have been excruciating, stripping Eric of his dignity. This was not what Eric should have endured

Eric, a true gentleman, should not have had to go through such an ordeal

Patric relayed these stories time and again to Holden. The shock of it all left Holden unconscious for a long time. When he woke, he had lost a significant amount of weight

powerless as Patric’s influence grew,

time, Patric had manipulated the older man by

his lifetime, Holden had always been honorable and upright Yet, in his final years, he found himself being dragged


looked at him, her care and concern, they all gnawed

weighed on him was the fact that

was simple he

desperation to escape their control was all for Maja. That’s why I eagerly agreed to go undercover at the research facility overseas I brought back crucial research data, all at the expense

the truth, but these were Eric’s experiences.

he wanted

now, he had lost both Maja and the promise.

and Maja and learning about Eric’s ordeal Holden was filled with remorse

in the ICU, he said that lan and Maja should part ways.

Raymond family. His two sons had left Greenfield, his granddaughter was admitted into a mental institution, and then he found out his beloved grandson was

a distasteful act even

Patric’s scheme. Handing the black box to Maja was also part of the plan, all with the

a granddaughter

Maja and hurting

than anyone, but he couldn’t utter a word

The doctors had said that Holden had half a month left, but only two

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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