

Chapter 1092

7 o’clock in the evening

Downtown Greenfield.

lan stared at the documents in his hands, his eyes hardly blinking.

Earlier in the evening, he had visited the old family home one last time, sorting through the few belongings his grandfather had left behind

His grandfather hadn’t left much, no extra inheritance for his descendants, and now the bulk of the shares in Raymond Corporation were firmly in lan’s grasp Regardless of how much others might wrestle for it, they couldn’t stir up any significant trouble

Ian had hoped that spending time sorting through his grandfather’s belongings would distract him from thoughts of Maja.

But the code to unlock the box was like a needle, piercing deep into his heart

He remembered the time he had tried to rescue Maja during an earthquake and the door that wouldn’t open.

In his unconscious state, he saw Maja desperately trying different combinations, and finally, the door opened

He had trusted her so much then that he never for a moment thought it was anything other than a coincidence. How likely could someone guess the correct code after only a few tries?

He had never questioned her motives, his mind filled with the life–and–death experiences they had shared

Now, thinking back, he realized the code was Eric’s birthday, the same as the one for her box.

all her passwords were that

made lan feel sick as if he had been slapped across the

to him while clinging to his back.

then that the road could go on forever, stretching out

at his own naivety. If she had been acting all this time, then

never felt

like self–torture. The sweet moments between them were far too few. Initially, their

the start of their love story, not expecting it to be

the living room, lan could barely distinguish himself from the surrounding shadows

of Greenfield Gardens had left early,

belongings, he heard

he ignored it until he

“Tan, open up

the door to find Tyler holding a

both of them letting themselves in and closing the door behind them.

the wine bottles

years, have a drink Phelps will join

that lan must be the one most affected by his grandfather’s passing, so his friends had come to keep

that the mansion was unusually dark, with only a few lights on and

moved to turn it on, and perhaps the dim setting

a sip of his wine before reminding

for you that day and fainted afterward She’s still in the hospital She was already weak, and the snake venom nearly

was hinting at the fact that Judith had risked her life for lan, and

staring quietly at the wine in his glass

was unusually quiet even hinting to Tyler, not to mention the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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