Chapter 1101

Pearson was at his wits end, clutching at straws.

When he had been impersonating lan to write letters to Judith, he never imagined he’d face

her at the final hour.

So, he had pinned his hopes on this woman to save him from prison in light of the letters he

had written her.

“Ms. Sanders, I was the one who wrote those letters, the one who mimicked lan’s

handwriting. I know it was wrong, but when I met you overseas, I fell for you at first sight. I feared you wouldn’t accept me for who I was, so I pretended to be lan.”

A flicker of disgust crossed Judith’s face, and she had suspected something was off about

those letters since she arrived in Greenfield.

lan had been too indifferent towards her, nothing like the caring and considerate person in the letters. But she had no idea this man before her was the one who had written them.

She quickly moved to hide behind lan, whimpering his name, “lan.”

Clearly, she pretended not to hear what Pearson had said.

To her, he was a defeated man without any right to desire her.

on her lips as she took that chance to

hope began to fade as he saw her reluctance to help him. He began to

one who wrote those letters to you, who cared for you. Don’t you have any feelings for the one who wrote those letters?”

long ago in North America and fell for him then.

Despair filled his eyes.

looked around, desperate for someone who

were the people who had promised to help him escape

stopped him in his tracks, “Embezzling public funds, you’ll probably spend the

words shattered Pearson completely, and he swept all the drinks off the bar in

he noticed a pregnant woman sitting not far from him. Her belly was large,

time to study her. He pointed at lan, “lan, don’t get too cocky! You stole this


Chapter 1101

never measure up to

chord with lan; his face fell, and Pearson couldn’t help but feel triumphant.

Everything you care about will be taken from

his words trailed off, two undercover cops

turned pale, and his lips

had been so arrogant moments ago was now silenced.

head, quietly following the two officers

officers took off their jackets, concealing their handcuffs so no one would know the police

at the men and women dancing wildly on

floor, feeling

here on her

someone like

leave when her gaze landed on the pregnant woman a few meters away.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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