Chapter 1114

But she couldn’t abandon that pregnant woman, which ultimately led to her uncle getting hurt too.

The man sighed, gently caressing her cheek, “It’s okay, don’t cry.

But the girl’s tears streamed even harder.

Those thugs didn’t want any part in this emotional scene. They tried to grab the girl, but the man kept a firm grip on her hand, afraid to let go.

He feared that once he let go, they would sell the girl.

“Uncle, let me go.”

She was even pleading with him.

The thugs were getting impatient, fearing the police might show up any minute. So, one of them raised a baseball bat, ready to shatter the man’s arm. But just in the nick of time, Maja called out.

“How much do they owe you? I’ll pay it for them.”

She had finally come to her senses, slowly dragging her exhausted body forward.

When the men saw her face, their eyes lit up for a moment, but then they saw her overweight body and their expressions turned to disgust

“You fat cow, what are you doing here? At a small clinic like this, how much money could you possibly have? Half a million dollars, can you even afford that?”

Maja had already lost her pregnancy, her belly was flat now, but her figure was still overweight.

She slowly walked up to the girl, gently patting her on the head.

times wouldn’t cover the debt. Might as well bet that I can

fat cow? Did you secretly call the police?”

police show up, you can take me hostage”

looked at

uncle to the clinic, she advised the girl, “have the doctor bandage him

round and protruding just a moment ago and was now

have time to ponder this, instead helping the injured man to his feet

that Maja was just stalling, she whispered, “Run, Maja These men are really ruthless. If you can’t come up with the money, they

she was still concerned about Maja, a woman she

her heart, “It’s okay. I do have

dollars was an incredible sum to her

clothes, she

pain, causing the girl to quickly lead him into the clinic.

thugs were growing

lying to us, we’ll chop you into little pieces so you won’t even have a complete body in

to this, but instead

later, Carol’s car pulled up

scanning everywhere, but she couldn’t see

a plump woman called


disbelief, rubbing her eyes.


ignoring the thugs, and

did you end up

millions, which left the thugs

on you? I

out a check and

and handed it to the thugs

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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