Chapter 1281

Patric had been kidnapped, and everyone was way of

lan closed the door again smashing the window

The roar of a helicopter fiffed the air as a lackber

He blocked the chose with a cabinet presenting those nitkich fem ardaring

“Maja Tim taking vin De By

Without hesitation. Mais wrapped her arms around his rack

lan let a message for Patric

Don’t forget to report to Grandpa Bernard Alan, thanks for taking us in these pait ka days, providing Maja and

Patric wat on the bed with a solemn face

On the helicopter. Maja could() see anything the only felt herself being held tightly. Tha

She nexdled into tans cheet only hearing their heartbeats

Lipon arrival at Greenfeld Gardens, lan had almach contacted Phelps, asking him to was

along with Fitch and Tyler

cone voiced their thoughts, but it was clear to everyone, lan needed Maja

After examining her Phelps pulled out his medical kit

“None of the injuries are severe. Her eyesight will recover once the bruising in her head subsides. Her throat should


brushed against Maja’s throat briefly before he retreated, leaving behind

recover in a week. As for your eyes, we’ll have

lan breathed a sigh

conversation with Phelps.

those research base guys mecruit you? You and Eric are equally talented.

Fitch retorted

talking about? Would you dare to chat with Enc now?

He indeed

of freaks were in that research base? Back when Tyler and Enc were together, he didn’t feel any pressure from

like at any moment, Enc would pull out a dagger

of a

tés tus pale fingers setting the cup down

actually qude interested in that research base I wonder what

laughed in reply What else could it be?

research they’re doing.”

the results. its

kay subjects? Onry a psychopath would treat people like lab rats. Phelps you

ups culled into a amule but now I’ve lost count of how

And even 4 they

all the rabbits and lab rats that died for

Phelps a bottle of

chuckied inghit


ha frigers

he was asking ở her head hurt, the na

into hum Braly a bet

Palič a villa

bed making up in the styäcke of the

fell hunghy, and reached out for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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