Chapter 1289

tan had meant to wrap his arms around her waist, but seeing her retreat so suddenly, almost knocking over the potted fern nearly caused him to pause


He called out, taking large strides to check on her

Maja curled into herself, her mind in turmoil.

She fumbled to rise from the floor

“lan, I need to rest. My head hurts

Her fingertips brushed against the wall. Not waiting for lan’s response, she moved away.

lan rushed to follow, but as Maja reached the corridor, she heard a woman’s voice

“Has Mr. Raymond been home today? I’ve visited several times recently and he hasn’t met with me. My belongings are still at Greenfield Gardens “

Footsteps echoed from outside, growing steadily closer

the similar features, she instantly knew

direction of the approaching footsteps, not saying

eyebrow So, this woman

no sane man would

she offered “Miss, can I help you? I’m

respond, her arm was being

need thank you.

need help, especially not from a stranger

senses, she could smell the woman’s scent, a scent she’d

mentioned about a woman who’d been close to lan during her absence, Maja felt a

when he saw Jolin. He had

to visit her family and

now, she was here meeting

quickly to Maja’s

let me take you to your room to rest. This is the new housekeeper at Greenfield Gardens. If you don’t like her, I’ll have her dismissed immediately

eyes widened in disbelief She might resemble this woman, but she was younger. Surely fan

to her room, Jolin

soon as he emerged, she linked her arm through

you we been so cold to me You used to hold me often Have I been gone so long

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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