Chapter 1297

Maja was helped into the car, fumbling to find her cell phone.

“lan, how do I open WhatsApp to chat with you?”

lan took her phone and did it for her

Maja asked again, “And how do I send the voice message?”

He guided her finger on the screen

Tap here, hold it down, and it sends a voice message”

Maja nodded Got it Let’s go

lan buckled her seatbelt for her, then drove off quietly

When she was escorted to the top floor. Maja could hear a woman’s shrill voice from afar.

“Aren’t you her colleagues? How could you not know about her affairs! Don’t tell me all of you are her clients. I knew it! She is way too young to be earning so much money. So, that’s how she’s been getting it. She even had the audacity to approach me with traces all over her body. So cheap and shameless, I can’t believe I gave birth to her “She’s been flirting with men everywhere. Disgusting! You all owe me an explanation now. If I can’t see her. I’m calling the media up here to reveal the true colors of your company”

This was the first time Maja had heard someone describe their daughter in such a manner.

As she emerged from the top–floor elevator, Elvis’s gaze met hers.

Ms. Pennyfeather”

the floor greeted

everyone’s attention shifted to lan,

interested would know. So now lan was back with

frowned at him, not

clenching his fists, wishing he

heard everyone addressing this woman and turned away

there being a prostitute. Didn’t you know? I’m telling you, she might have picked up this bad culture from this

She had tried to contact Zoey yesterday, hoping Zoey would reconcile

obedient Zoey started avoiding meeting up, which was unlike her

mere word from her

along otherwise, she wouldn’t dare to take Zoey’s money

dollars promised by Murray It seemed she had to mess

must be because she has a job and

the Star Movie Group today, to get the

would be furious. After all, a scandal was the last thing an

Spreading rumors about my employee and

thinking she had

did you say?

and get a lawyer here too. I need to sue

immediately took out his phone and

then calmed down because

a hotel room with a man. I’m not making things up She wouldn’t dare to be so defiant in front of me. Who do you think

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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