Chapter 1318

It was as if an invisible force loomed overhead, manipulating the fate of Greenfield

After driving a few miles, Tyler hit the brakes hard

He frowned, pulled out his cell, and dialed lan’s number.

lan, it came back to me Fitch said he’d be all in on that task you gave him. Before he headed out to Crystalbrook Valley, he was digging through hospital archives

lan stood by a window gazing into the distance mindful of the time difference.

Tyler, hold off on any moves I’ve got my people on it lan said

“How can i just sit here? Do you have any idea how freaked out I am? I’m scared Phelps or I could be next, and we still don’t know who the enemy is lan, it doesn’t feel real that Fitch is gone He shouldn’t have died like this.”

lan took a deep breath Tll be flying back soon

“Have you lost your mind?”

lowered his

to cover you up top, even your father is talking about cutting you off from the Raymond clan If it weren’t for the shares you hold, you’d be out on your ear already. The Raymonds are all worried about Enc, thinking you’re envious, that you can’t stand him alive and well, so you decided to take

smoke but remembering the charred corpse he had seen, felt a

The Haskins are on this too, and so are the authorities Flying back into this storm is like walking into the line of fire. Finish what you’ve

on first

up. Tyler’s gaze was

since they stayed out of

drove back to

it open to find Phelps with a cigarette between his fingers, staring out the window


the butt away, his tone indifferent. “Picked it up abroad. You

on his fingertips, his own eyes reddening.

with what happened to

outside, Dr Herrington,

then glanced at Tyler “Go get some rest. You look

but once Phelps left, he felt aimless He sat on the window seat, drew the curtains to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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