Fitch swore he’d never been so embarrassed in his lifetime. He tried explaining to Ian over and over that it was just a statue, but Ian wouldn’t listen.

Left with no choice, a tow truck brought Ian and the statue back to Greenfield Gardens together. Ian even cuddled the statue to sleep that night.

Fitch couldn’t bear to stay and watch him any longer. Phelps was also worn out by the whole ordeal. They left Jeff to keep an eye on Ian and took off.

The next morning, Ian woke up feeling uncomfortable, as if he’d been weighed down all night.

When he lifted his head, he found himself clutching a hard object. He froze.

He tossed the statue aside, feeling as if someone was trying to harm him. Why else would they use such a heavy statue to crush him? He was nearly suffocated.

He took a deep breath, feeling sore all over.


He called out, and Jeff, who had been stationed at the door, listening for any sounds from inside, quickly entered.

“Mr. Raymond.”

“What’s with the statue?”

“Mr. Raymond, you got drunk at the BlueSky Bar last night and insisted on bringing it home.”

Jeff tactfully omitted the part where Ian had mistaken the statue for Maja, sparing him some embarrassment.

Ian couldn’t recall what he had done, thinking he must have had a wild night, even though he never usually did.

shoulder, which felt so sore that he could barely move

freshen up, the memory of calling out to the statue began to surface in

holding his toothbrush, froze, and he

the image of him lamenting over Maja’s

hot all over,

have the

call, “Mr. Raymond, they said they purchased a new one overnight. If you like it,

irritated, “I

call to


holding onto that

rare mocking tone from Fitch, Ian promptly

after, Phelps made

huh? If you’re not feeling well, I can give you a free check-up

Phelps could be so

He hung up again!

go back in time and

he opened Twitter and saw more news about Shawn, still tagged

gaze was

passed a million, given that Shawn had won the Best Actor award the previous night,

were still digging into the woman’s background, but they found

spilled the beans that it was Maja,


must be Maja’s sock puppet, stop glorifying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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