Cornelia’s move left everyone on the backfoot, but Maja had to admit that it had paid off. Cornelia’s online popularity had skyrocketed, putting her on par with top-tier Hollywood actresses.

With a slight sigh, she waved her hand dismissively.

“You’ve worked hard filming abroad, Cornelia. Take a couple of days off. I’ll have Elvis arrange a new script for you.”

Cornelia nodded and respectfully exited the room.

After she left, Maja massaged her temples, only to be interrupted by Zoey’s entrance. Her injury was healing, and she had just been discharged from the hospital.

“Mr. Pennyfeather,” Zoey began, “we’re meeting with Director Drew tonight. He hasn’t disclosed who the other investor is, but he said we’ll find out when we get there. Also, he hasn’t revealed our involvement to the other investor.”

The project they were considering was a major movie. Initially, only one company was set to invest, but Maja had used her mentor’s influence to secure half of the investment opportunity.

The script was too good to pass up and the project was estimated to cost around $30 million, with Maja and the other investor splitting the cost.

However, the other investor was likely less than thrilled about her involvement. If it wasn’t for her intervention, they could’ve secured the entire investment and reaped ten times the profit.

Maja had been working tirelessly over the past two weeks to expand her company. Some of the partners that had been poached were slowly returning, and the company’s operations were now stable.

Maja nodded. “Alright, we’ll meet him at seven tonight.”

Maja was worried about Cornelia. Cornelia had chosen to walk a risky path, intentionally leaking

was a tough one. Facing constant criticism, a single misstep could lead

committed suicide overseas, a tragedy that went

saw determination in Cornelia’s eyes. She’s not a child, and she’s willing to take responsibility for her actions.


overnight sensation, Maja needed Elvis to quickly develop a plan for her future roles. Cornelia’s path was extreme, and if her next role wasn’t striking enough, it

that evening, Zoey accompanied Maja to

usual business attire, Maja arrived early, with Director

Drew arrived. He

“Director Drew.”

rose to her feet, greeting him with a

several major national events, was a globally

script. It was magnificent and grand, and with the right investment, the box office revenue would start

deep in conversation, the door swung open and Maja heard a

a few minutes

surprised flickering in her

the door,

that Ian had been by her side throughout her hospital

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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