The minute she left, Antonio rose from his seat, visually assessing Cornelia. She was draped in another man’s suit jacket, the fabric revealing its pricey origin.

“Cornelia, you’ve only been gone for a bit more than ten minutes. Did you go hunting or something?”

Cornelia shrugged off the jacket, pitching it into a nearby trash can. “Do you think I’m you?”

Antonio pulled her into his embrace. “Shall we continue?”

“Let’s not, Antonio. Twice is enough. I’m tired.”

She began to change her clothes, making no effort to avoid his gaze.

This made Antonio irate. “Just twice and you’re already bored? Cornelia, there are plenty of women out there who crazily want to sleep with me!”

Cornelia had already put on her coat and slung her purse over her shoulder.

“That’s not my problem. I have a performance class later, and I’m starting a new film project next week. We should avoid seeing each other for now.”

“What? Cornelia, I am the one who usually walks away after a hook-up.”

Cornelia was already at the door. “Consider me a jerk then.”

With that, she walked out the door, heading for the underground garage.


here by Omar, who wanted her to catch a cab

few feet away from the lobby, she saw Omar smoking a cigarette


tried to play it cool, but the spot where Omar stood

slowly approached him, only to hear him say, “Maja, if you can get Cornelia back for me, I’ll give you the entire Casson

cigarette to

tell me, what do you want me to do for you? Do you want me to kill someone? As long as

up at the mention of

happy would Cornelia have been if she hadn’t met

gifted pianist, had the opportunity to study abroad, participate in various

a romantic man who shared her passion for music at

money. How wonderful. Women shouldn’t hold

could give up,

Casson, you overestimate me. I’m just Cornelia’s boss. I can’t

“You can!”

obsessive. He grabbed her shoulder,

she trusts you. If you tell her to, she

“Let go of me.”

she could finish her sentence, Omar’s face took on a menacing look, shoving her

next second, a bullet flew towards the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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