“So before my brother returns, I need her to be utterly reliant on me.”

Ian spoke calmly, glancing at the documents in front of him. “Once she’s dependent on me, she won’t ditch me.”

For once, Fitch was left speechless.

After Ian hung up the phone, he saw another incoming call from Tyler.

This time, he didn’t pick up, guessing yet another one of Tyler’s lousy ideas.

By the evening, he had sent Maja eight messages, all left unanswered.

At five in the afternoon, when he was about to head for a meeting, he passed out.

He had pushed himself too hard the previous night, stubbornly refusing to take medicine despite running a fever. Now, he had fainted.

His collapse instantly sent the Raymond Corporation into a frenzy. Jeff rushed him to the hospital, while rumors of Ian’s fainting began to circulate quietly amongst the circle.

Many people who had seen his Facebook posts were left puzzled.

There were recent rumors about him breaking up with Maja, and he had been seen with Judith. Word was that Judith had even been hurt because of him. So why was he suddenly proclaiming his love for Maja again?

[If you ask me, Maja must have put a spell on Ian. How else to explain his devotion to a girl from nowhere?]

now. She pursued him so relentlessly, only


when word got out that Ian was sick, the chatter only

physical strength is unparalleled. In my

it. Ever since Maja became a member of the Raymond family, there’s never

Ian would spare me

admirers, but he was infamously cold, barely engaging

years abroad, where he had minimal contact with anyone from the circle. Some women, hearing that he was forced into marriage, tried to engage him in conversation, only to be met with silence.

at international art exhibitions and tried to strike up a conversation, but he was uninterested.

that he didn’t actually fancy Carlene. Upon

desperation for Maja was driving everyone green with

spitefully leaked Ian’s news to the media, and the internet

man, must’ve been scared when he heard Maja

him. With

woman a lesson and kick her

busy hurling insults at Maja, Judith felt

morning, only to

place in tears, only for him to warn

not willing

tears in her eyes, Judith clung to Dylan’s arm while instructing Wind to post

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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