As lan and Oliver were left alone, the tension in the room was palpable.

Ralap, a man known for his caution, had stationed guards outside of lan's dwelling since the night before.

It was a charade of protection that thinly veiled his true intentions—surveillance. Ralap was after the medicine, a valuable

commodity in their cutthroat world. Now that it was gone, his unease was evident, yet he knew better than to lay a finger on lan.

As soon as the door closed, Oliver stood up, and brushed off the invisible dust from his jeans in a gesture of readiness.

"So, lan, when are we making our move?" he asked, the casual tone belying the gravity of their situation.

lan's gaze drifted toward the window; dusk was only a few hours away. He had deliberately leaked his location to the hounds who

were baying for his blood. It didn't take a genius to figure out they were under K's command.

K's influence seemed to have spread even here. Undoubtedly, K was holding back for sreason—if not, they would have been

wiped off the map with a single bomb, rather than this elaborate hunt within the island's confines.

But tonight, K's men would come. And when they did, amidst the clash with Ralap's forces, lan and Oliver would slip away to find


Oliver didn't wait for an answer; he knew the pattern of their conversations well enough. Together, they silently bid their time.

Two hours later, the calm was shattered by the distant sound of gunfire. Ralap sat erect in the parlor, sipping his tea. Upon hearing

the shots, he turned to his most trusted aide.

"Go check what's happening."

But before the aide could move, the sporadic gunfire turned into a cacophony of chaos.

"Boss, I'll cover you. We need to get out of here," the aide insisted as Ralap's expression soured. Had his enemies dared to

Middle Island

ruckus on Middle Island?" Ralap muttered angrily. "Take Oliver with you

the other families. We must deal with this

resources of Inner Island's ruling families. They had to

they planned for lan.

"Understood, boss."

contact the Elder; tell him we have an

a man revered by the families. Quentin was much more than a collaborator like BLACK to them;

the keys to all of Forbidden Island's surveillance, and therefore

rules that governed Forbidden Island for centuries,

at stake, they turned to

Quentin was already aware that K's men had made their move.

the assault was launched in the Forbidden Island, which was a

him?" Quentin mused darkly, wiping the blood

forces, and eliminate

things this far, Quentin was ready to meet the challenge

helicopter. At least thirty have been sighted so far,"

move," Quentin noted. "Find out if anything else has happened within the organization besides the capture of the


been lost since morning, and it was


then. Just fight. I want to see

of massive ships lay in wait. Philip lounged on the deck of

he watched helicopters

would pass by for days, so

if he obliterated the island, he would make it escaping the

harbored Maja, lan, and

had stumbled upon her trail, and Philip was astonished to find

island—not yet. He wanted to see her, to facilitate a

he was too consumed by darkness to lead, that his ruthlessness

to those

morphed into the warm and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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