Tears streamed down Maja's cheeks in heavy drops as the weight of her predicament bore down on her.

What was she to do? After all the trouble to find her mother, was she to leave her in this cold, dreary basement?

Who could be so cruel? Who was responsible for this?

Her lips tightened, a cold fury settled in her eyes. Never before had she felt such a desire to take someone's life.


lan wrapped his arms around her, feeling utterly helpless.

He had planned for every contingency, but he hadn't expected the stronghold where they held Cynthia to be so impenetrable.

Gunshots still echoed in the background as he lifted Maja into his arms.

She tried to struggle, but her strength was failing her.

"I'm sorry, you need to rest."

With a swift chop to the nape of her neck, lan knocked her out.

Maja's eyes widened in disbelief before she slipped into unconsciousness.

Behind them, Cynthia remained seated behind the door, oblivious to the chaos outside, her detached expression unchanged.

lan signaled to his men with a calm voice.

"Have the mute caretaker that looked after her continue to do so."


The goons from K's outfit were already on

in his arms, lan

in the silence of the basement, the two stunned guards already dragged away

always was for her, a silence that felt as if she was the only person

the basement, over a thousand cameras watched her, like a thousand eyes fixating

to the basement closed slowly, Cynthia remained unaware that someone had tried to rescue her, unaware

whom she had worried over,

stepped out of the basement when a barrage of gunfire met his

men were returning

he noticed Patric had cto, his eyes fixing

frowned, holding

Patric chuckled coldly.

think you can get out of here

you done?"

into a smirk as he pointed to his

deal with K, let

collar, anger flashing

lost your

swatted his hand

neither of us leave? Let's stay here

to his fate,

Patric's collar and grabbed a knife from nearby, slicing open the fabric over

like lan was determined to

close to his heart

slip of the knife, and

it meant

meant lan would have killed his own elder

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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