Maja's heart skipped a beat as she sat motionless on the wooden bench of the boat, her eyes staring blankly into the distance.

When Beck boarded the vessel, the first thing he noticed was her faraway gaze.

He immediately walked over and gave her shoulder a gentle pat.

"The sea's chilly, and dawn's breaking soon. You should change out of those wet clothes," he said with a touch of concern.

Maja almost shook her head in refusal, but the first light of dawn was already spreading across the horizon, followed by a shout

that jolted everyone to attention.

"Over here!"

She quickly stood up and made her way towards the commotion.

It wasn't so much that they had found lan, but rather his jacket, aimlessly drifting on the water's surface.

From her vantage point, Maja could see the island's sky, where smoke slowly ascended, hinting at the horrific battle that had raged

the night before.

She withdrew her gaze, ready to plunge into the sea, but Beck stopped her.

"There are plenty of people searching down there. If lan's in the water, he'll be found."

Without a word, Maja grabbed a pair of binoculars and began scouring the sea.

Helicopters buzzed overhead as part of the massive search effort. With such a large-scale operation, even if lan had drifted far, he

should have been found by now.

Maja's brow furrowed as she peered into the deep, vast ocean. Could he have sunk to the bottom?

Ignoring Beck's protests, she insisted on launching a lifeboat to search for lan herself.

spoke into his walkie-talkie, asking the chopper pilots to

scanned the area with her binoculars, she searched for any blind spots

in the distance, and without hesitation, she rowed towards

she finally saw the person sprawled among the branches, her heart

the leaves

enough to take

the helicopter above and then plunged into the water with a splash, determined

in the seawater, the wound sickeningly pale from

she steeled herself and yanked the

and his body

him onto the lifeboat and rowed

aboard, the helicopter swiftly landed, and a team rushed

reached the hospital

cto, two days had passed, and she could hear Beck speaking somewhere

has the island been

was devastated by the blast. The

twenty locals survived. We also discovered a self-destruct mechanism

the island would have been reduced to ruins

If someone wanted the island gone, why not

trouble of detonating bombs?

a peculiar underground chamber with a woman inside. Several groups

she won't leave the chamber. She faces the

bandages—probably blind, possibly someone of

can't she leave

by an electric shock. We need the chamber's blueprints to unravel its

respond, he noticed Maja

informant away and

"Maja, you're awake."

"How's lan?"

"He's still under observation."

her, his eyes and

especially since receiving lan's emergency

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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