But he was already in Astronia, what could she do?

She took a deep breath, and all her words coalesced into one simple message.

[Stay safe.]

[Maja, don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I can. I've just arrived and I'm not sure of the situation here. I'm worried about being

tracked, so I'll switch my phone on sporadically. If you can't reach me, don't panic, I'll update you every three days.]

The more he said, the more he feared Maja would be upset, so he added three words.

[Is that okay?]

What else could Maja do? She knew all too well that his swift action was because Augus was in dire straits.

And considering Cynthia's condition, it was imperative to investigate the research facility as soon as possible.


Seeing her reply with a single word, lan knew she must be angry, and his heart clenched.

He was never good at using emojis when chatting, but now he painstakingly chose a few that represented kisses.

Even if Maja was fuming, those emojis would extinguish her rage.

Having calmed Maja down, lan promptly turned off his phone. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Two hours later, his man returned.

"Sir, that hospital has a camera every three steps. If it were just a normal hospital, there would be no need for such security."

medical facilities were lacking, cameras were usually installed only in


that something fishy

"Any other findings?"

bodies donated by volunteers should be marked for medical research,

to be a patient and accidentally stumbled into the morgue, only to be escorted out by

place where dead bodies are

here seem to have perfectly normal


practice most common in underground

exploit loopholes in local population checks, creating several non-existent people

with the fight rings pushing dozens each

wanted by an international coalition could buy an identity, alter his appearance, and live on with his


fool the surveillance systems, often costing over

these doctors had bought identities

quickly because the fight ring kept a record of every identity sold, and these


information, they recognized the identities as ones previously sold by

compiled the information and, comparing it with the map, confirmed the hospital was


another spot

yourselves as refugees and scope out this location, but

the location he pointed to was a welfare center providing accommodation to

philanthropist, always supporting the center with

officials as a VIP.

map indicated that this so-called philanthropist was

finding talented people and luring them into the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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