lan's brow furrowed as a familiar voice echoed - a voice reminiscent of Philip. But it couldn't be Philip; it had to be his twin brother.

Were they at the research base too?

He didn’t linger; even though sounds could be heard from there, he wasn’t able to catch the clear sight inside.

Most of the base was sealed tight, allowing only glimpses through tiny cracks. There were no access points here, no way out except

for the one in his quarters.

After a lengthy trek, lan stumbled upon another hatch. It could be opened, but he paused to peer through first.

Below lay a glass chamber with a boy inside, seemingly at eighteen years old, his long hair obscuring everything below his eyes.

What drew lan's attention was the jade pendant around the boy's neck - similar to the one he'd seen on a woman's wrist at the

hotel. But such pendants weren't exactly rare, and from this distance, he couldn't make out any engravings.

Suddenly, the boy's eyes snapped open, staring back at lan through strands of hair. It was a piercing gaze, and for a split second,

lan felt seen. But that was impossible for him to see anything; the cracks were too small, and had the boy truly seen him, he'd

sounded the

eyes remained calm, unwavering, devoid of emotions. Few seconds later, the boy brushed

not having intent

the many test subjects of the base?

follow the woman the

touched the hatch. It was operational; he could open it

around; for now, aside from this hatch on this boy's glass chamber, there

hatches tonight. At last,

it led to. As he was about to open it,

mishear; that was indeed from beasts. Below, there were a flock

confused, eyes, glowing red in the blackness, stared up

decided against opening it and continued walking in the air duct. In the end, he found only three hatches at the base: one in

room he was living, one above the boy's glass chamber, and one at where the den of beasts

darkness, which made it difficult to see the surroundings.

a clearer

glass chambers, occasional cries could

you doing this to me?

don't want to make money anymore; please, I'm begging

"Please, spare me!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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