
Since Philip had said there was no need to understand, he decided not to dwell on it. His gaze finally landed on Isaac, who was now

lying on the ground, slowly reaching out a hand.

Though she hadn't looked at Phil, she seemed to know exactly where he was standing. In her palm was a small insect, still very

much alive.

The last tPhil had caught an insect and brought it to Philip, who had crushed it under his foot. Since then, Phil had been on the

lookout for a new one, to no avail.

Now Isaac had produced one, which suggested that she had been the one to prepare the last insect too, unbeknownst to Phil.

Seeing the blood-stained insect, a spark of excitement flickered across Phil's face. He reached out to take it, but was stopped by


"Don't touch it; it's dirty."

It was smeared with blood. Phil obediently refrained from touching it, though his eyes remained fixed on the insect, "Okay."

Isaac held it out for a while, but when Phil didn't cto take it, she slowly let go, finally allowing herself a glance in his direction.

The last thing her eyes rested on was his innocent, uncomprehending gaze. Yes, he had always been like this, oblivious to

everything, just as he was in the beginning.

The insect, still alive, struggled for a moment on the ground before crawling away. Phil didn't look at Isaac again. Instead, he

to the

screen was still displaying a scene of massacre. He wanted to

held his breath, silently dragging a chair over

before Philip

dead. Does that


suddenly realized how redundant his

Phil, unburdened and carefree, was the happiest existence.

did he feel the need to prove

something, the more it showed they cared about the opinions

eye on the monitors for me. Find lan and his crew.

this place."

about you?

Phil was slow on the uptake, he knew an earthquake was imminent and wondered if Philip

die, Phil didn't want to live either. He was about to say something when he noticed the

land near

carefully pocketed the

was in complete disarray. Researchers

weapons, rampaged through

their way. Walter was skilled, and now that all the test subjects were

Dylan's containment box.

was still hanging there, but a girl had fiercely protected him. Any test subject that tried to harm Dylan was repelled by

ferocious snarls.

in time, with Sarah

She doesn't have a nyet and is the only

she has will be geniuses among

trying to find her a mate, but she only kills. She shows no interest in the men

to protect must be a strange emotion for

when she saw Dylan's face. A frown creased her brow.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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