Sarah knew that lan couldn't buy too much time. After all, those things were her own creation. She quickly composed herself and

retrieved the explosives, distributing them among the small group gathered before her.

"Find scorners, especially near doors, and set the explosives there. But remember to keep your distance from us - the blast

from these things is fierce."

It had taken her three years to develop this explosive, which was many times more powerful than standard dynamite.

The ground had already shuddered once. If the explosives were added to the mix, an earthquake and landslide could very well

follow soon after.

At that point, the research base would either be blown to the surface or buried forever underground. But there was no choice left.

As lan had pointed out, waiting around was a death sentence.

A few people quickly set off with their explosive-laden backpacks, donning an extra layer of protective gear. With the majority of

people in the main hall wearing similar suits, and with Philip's focus fixed on lan, the big screen continuously displayed lan's face

and his dire situation.

lan was dodging attacks from Subject 8, managing to avoid them but still looking ragged.

Subject 8's strength was beyond human, fixating on lan like a predator poised to pounce. lan had just taken a punch that made

every breath a painful effort.

Maja is going to be devastated. My only regret is that she didn't follow

Maja were here, Philip could've taken them all down in

deftly avoiding Subject 8's assaults. Philip watched with interest, even pouring

downside was the bodies

a testament to Isaac's influence,

Philip; if it weren't for her feelings for Phil, she would've killed Philip long ago.

eyes, Philip, his family, was everything. And because she hadn't, they were now in


he needed to survive to see his family again, and anyone in his

silent assault on lan, the fight between them escalating. The other test

unable to get close.

had placed the explosives in designated spots.


led him there, along with rumors that


than he had imagined.

dead, used for experiments.

prepared, and then asked his companions standing near him,


clock on the wall ticked away the minutes. They had three minutes to

of the test subjects’ relentless killing spree made him think that this must be what

looked like.

hand moved slowly, and the

started running back. The explosive had a five-minute

hall, it

A few protective suits had melted from intense heat exposure,

continued with ferocity.

bruised. Amidst

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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