Beck had people scour the area but cup empty-handed - no sign of Dylan and the others. It was at that moment someone

dropped a crucial lead.

"Subject 8 is alive and after them. He's gone ballistic, taken out a bunch of folks."

Beck had no clue what this “Subject 8” was, but judging by the palpable fear in the air, it spelled trouble.

Grabbing his gun, he took off in the direction he was pointed to.

The forest here was dense, largely unaffected by the quake, but the helicopters above still struggled for a clear view. The sky was

buzzing with helicopters while teams on the ground combed through the underbrush.

Meanwhile, Walter and Dylan were having a rough time. Subject 8 was relentless in his pursuit. And lan's whereabouts? They were

as much in the dark as anyone.

Walter, supporting Dylan, pushed on. The girl who had cwith Dylan was a mess, wounds all over, courtesy of Subject 8.

Subject 8 was the alpha of the base, and even though the girl was a close second in rank, the gulf between them was vast.

Dylan was on the verge of passing out. They had all suffered concussions during the quake when they got tossed around like

ragdolls in the base. And if it weren't for the fact that Subject 8 was on a wild chase, they would've given anything to rest.

Back at the base, Dylan had been pumped full of drugs, plus the disaster; he was now running on empty.

Walter wasn't faring much better, blood seeping from a gash in his abdomen.

thing even human? How does

was on all fours, barreling through the terrain like a

got hurt and was bleeding, but nothing slowed him down. His eyes seemed to bleed red with a

people, and he could leave the

you cook up this nightmare? Can't

raspy, "He used to listen,

deepest obsessions. Unless he passes out, that drive won't ease

witnessed enough of Subject 8's brutality to know the creature could tear a

to the young woman's resistance - if not for her, Subject 8 would

them to shreds already.

boot connected with the girl's stomach,


her strength dissipating. She had been holding on by

her mate.

him rushing over to lift

"Does it hurt?"

oblivious to Subject 9 closing in with a

out!" A gunshot rang out just as the warning

with a gun, Maja by his side, and

his shot would drop the man instantly, but it didn't. Subject 8 lunged toward Beck

that made him near impossible to target. Beck took a punch

her direction. Maja was yanked behind

a fierce struggle.

found herself strained against the

slowly got to his feet, spitting out

what kind of monster was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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