In Greenfield, Zoey peered at her computer screen; dark circles had appeared down her eyes. As Elvis pushed open the door, his

voice carried a hint of weariness too.

"Why so many galas lately? Can you handle it all?"

Rubbing her temples, Zoey cracked a smile, "I'm managing. You guys have been working hard these past few days."

She had just recovered from an illness and returned to work the day before. Elvis had been running things while she was out.

"Zoey, the meeting today might include a run-in with Fitch. The Haskins family is involved in this joint awards show we're working

on, and they're footing the bill."

A star-studded awards ceremony meant big business. The celebs were basically walking billboards, with every accessory, even the

pins on their lapels, serving as advertisements.

The Haskins family had thrown their latest car model into the mix, set for display at their dealership next month. The celebs would

strut past this car on the red carpet, and with the Haskins family being the sole sponsor, the spotlight would be theirs.

Star Movie Group's talent had shone this year, with their leading stars nominated for awards. As the head honcho, Zoey needed to

be there.

The Haskins family's car brand coveted the endorsement of A-listers like Wilma and Cornelia. Their every move by the car, every

pose, had to be on point.

with the brand to hash out the red carpet

subsidiaries were vast, and car wasn't their leading

their top-secret was talents in weapon

Below this level, there were various

chip. This year, the Haskins

release, which would cinto

with Wilma in tow after


was with a division president of the Haskins family. His eyes lit up


poise, "Mr. Colby, it's

wanted more than a photo op. She was after an endorsement deal for

that a veteran actor had tried to fight for the

called for a fresh face, so they hoped to find an entertainer with

info when she approached Mr.

on Zoey's legs. She was striking in a black coat over a cashmere sweater, topped with a retro hat

that accentuated

her fingers slightly pinching


understand. You're after more than a brief collaboration, Zoey.

your sincerity."

a smile plastered on her

doubted she'd miss

ordered the strongest liquor

letbe frank. The decision for the endorsement lies with me. Whoever I choose, gets it. Your

they're too young. With so many scandals these days, I can't just roll the dice. This

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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