Fitch's fingers paused on the screen, and a vivid memory flashed through his mind - the day he had found Ozzy, the scrappy little

pup hiding and trembling, trying to escape attention.

The thought of Ozzy softened his expression. Initially, his arm had hung limp at his side with no intention of offering support, but

now it instinctively wrapped around her waist, holding her close in a protective embrace.

His other hand was scrolling through his contacts. He was at a friend's low-key gathering and hadn't brought his driver. Now, he

needed to call him to get Zoey home.

Just as he called a number, a group not far approached, led by Tyler, who was laughing with someone beside him, a cigarette

dangling from his fingers. Whatever joke had been told, it had Tyler's eyes crinkling with mirth, the mole on his nose more

pronounced in his amusement.

Instinctively, Fitch enveloped Zoey in his trench coat just as the call connected.

"Head over to the Sunset Hotel to pick someone up."

No sooner had he spoken than he heard Tyler's voice.


Tyler's eyes narrowed as he saw the woman in Fitch's arms, "Who is this?"

If Tyler found out it was Zoey, he'd never hear the end of it.

"A date from a matchmaking setup."

him, listing a few ladies of his age and

recognizing the telltale signs of a

man out

but you actually seem to tolerate her

off, "I'm off to dinner with sinvestors. Guess things with Wendy

the lady in your arms,

forward to get a better look at

her, be my

hassles lately,"

Checking his phone, he noted the driver should arrive any minute

lower back, sending a

Zoey, her throat burning

a voice of reply came, “Put up

for water at

tipsy, unable to figure out

“So thirsty, want water.”


occasionally there were srecognizing Fitch and greeting him,


he pulled Zoey behind a column

to leave her there, but then he remembered the incident at

family's place.


day, leaving a red

hold a thousand words,

stroked the spot gently as he asked,

by his question, he quickly pushed her away. Zoey stumbled backward against the column, her head buzzing

the impact.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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