The driver kept his eyes on the road, occasionally glancing at the rearview mirror to observe the tense standoff in the backseat.

It was a familiar scene - tensions boiling over to the point where knives were sometimes drawn. He swallowed hard, feeling that

this high-stress job would be the death of him.

He remembered first seeing Felix at the Miller Group. President Miller had made it clear he didn't want Felix dating his daughter. So

Ms. Miller had Felix start as a grass-roots employee, but the guy was a standout.

Standout was an understatement. Within a month, Felix's boss had promoted him, breaking all the usual protocols. Looking back, it

all seemed like a whirlwind, happening far too quickly.

Zoey, slumped in the passenger seat, stirred uncomfortably in her sleep, her head thumping against the windowpane with a soft

whimper of pain.

The car pulled up outside her apartment, and someone was already there to help her inside. Wilma had been dropped off earlier;

Mr. Colby was only interested in her, but he wouldn't dare mess with a top-tier celebrity like Wilma.

Zoey was a nobody; no fans to raise a fuss if she was wronged.

Being supported into her place, Zoey felt the room spin. She hadn't even managed to greet Carol.

In the bathroom, she tried to vomit but nothing cup.

Catching her reflection, she was startled by her gaunt appearance, only now realizing how much weight she'd lost.

body was limp, alcohol still burning through

deep sleep.

pounding headache and a stabbing pain in her stomach,

heading to the office.

Shawn Walsh for the car endorsement and send the contract

a face for

decided last

contract reached the automotive

nothing. Zoey was frustrated. She'd drunk the wine, endured a harrowing night, and now

go to the police. As the head of Star Movie Group, any scandal, whether Mr.

in the

her temples, she played back the recording from last night and sent


Mr. Colby's conversation - Colby promising the endorsement if she drank

for personal conduct issues. His commitments


with anger. If only Mr. Colby had been fired a day



Bennitt family won't pursue the poisoning

released without charges."

Intepublic opinions had subsided. The Bennitt family's dropping the

through the mud

then started vomiting

enough to bring anything

from an

your mom out. You should csee her; she's

popped an antacid from her drawer and was about to hang up when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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