The next second, Zoey burst into a coughing fit, spattering blood onto his crisp white shirt.

His face turned dark as thunder, and with one swift motion, he shoved her aside.

Zoey stumbled, clutching at her stomach as waves of searing pain threatened to overwhelm her. Her fingers clung desperately to

the bed-sheets beneath her, as if she was holding on to consciousness itself.

Fitch eyed the crimson stain spreading on his shirt.

A knock cfrom the door at that moment.

“Mr. Haskins, Miss Mia has been crying non-stop.”

He inhaled deeply and peeled off the bloodied shirt; as he was about to pick a clean one from the wardrobe, he heard her plea,

“Just get it over with, will you?”

What did she expect? To be force-fed chili until she got stomach cancer?

If he really wanted her dead, a packet of rat poison would do the job.

“You want it over with?”

Slipping into a fresh shirt, he adjusted the cool metal of his watch around his wrist.

It was nine in the evening.

“Go outside and kneel. Once Mia calms down, I'll let you back in.”

the sheets as

his back to her, Fitch moved towards the door,

she called out,

his brow, he felt irritation rising

stepping out and closing the door

her eyelashes cast long shadows as she curled up on

Mia on the couch, who did not throw a tantrum but instead reached for a knife, threatening to slash

own throat.

tried to intervene, but she swung

“Don’t touch me!”

stairs, and

stiffened, with

you? You want to marry her, make her my sister-in-law? Does

to marry the man she loves after ruining my

Fitch took the knife from

looked up, her eyes swollen

If you

the knife on the table beside them, “So what

couch, Mia buried her head in her hands, “I want her to die. I want her to feel the

you have no idea what I've been through these past few days, and you don’t know how disgusting

forget what he did to me. I've lost my first time; no one will wantnow. If

will laugh at me.”

rested his hands

only mom knows about it in the Haskins

teeth, “Is that what matters?

“I'll send her abroad, and you'll never have to see

I agree

flushed with rage, “I've changed my mind. I want her to be my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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