Tyler knew he couldn't keep the charade up any longer, so he just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Ah, it's the sold story. Carol fell for a broke guy, not knowing he had her all figured out, and has been playing the long game.

Carol brought him into her company, and next thing you know, Felix has taken over the joint and even managed to get her old man

sent to the slammer."

He swallowed hard, the mole on the bridge of his nose lending him an air of unintentional charm.

"The real kicker isn't even that, though. Felix had been engaged to this girl since they were in diapers, a gal named Listina. She got

diagnosed with a brain tumor, and Felix played the sympathy card in front of Carol. Carol, being the good sport, flew in the best

doctors from all over, clueless that she was treating his fiancée. Those two played Carol like a fiddle. Now, Felix is getting hitched

to Listina, and for Carol, it feels like a stab in her back, don't you think?"

Maja's expression darkened. She was about to whip out her phone when Tyler gently pressed her hand down.

"You call her, she's not gonna want to spill the beans. And let's be real, no one can touch Felix now. The guy's clever. He's snagged

all of Carol and Ms. Miller's shares, over sixty percent, giving him the final say. Even if we wanted to buy out the company to back

Carol up, it's a no-go. Plus, with the legal stuff, a simple letter of forgiveness from Felix, and Abner might get a few years shaved

off his sentence. Carol's tied to him. Stubborn as she is, she won't cut ties without that letter."

regret for not keeping up with the Greenfield gossip. She had always

even hid her heiress

now, it had blown

to make a

though she wasn't calling Carol right away, she needed

her browse through flight

get all the dirty details, you'll just be more upset. Maja, I

on your pregnancy. When your kid's

silently continuing her

turned to Fitch, who was standing with arms crossed and with a furrowed brow,

went back to Greenfield...

ringing. It was a call

answer button, he was greeted by the panicked voice

Haskins, it's terrible, Mia's attempted

of concern. "Suicide? Why on earth would she

and sporadic, "Mr. Haskins, it seems Zoey shared a conversation between her and

about Miss Mia, and now it's all over the social


frown deepened. "I'm coming back right away. Keep an eye

urgency, quickly asked,

I need to

"I'm coming with you."

that moment, Maja chimed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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