Or rather, if she had any spine at all, it felt like it was made of cheap plastic.

As this thought crossed her mind, she had her elbows propped up on the table before her, with palms pressed together and resting

against her forehead.

Fitch had no idea what she was doing until he noticed her shoulders trembling slightly and tears dripping onto the tabletop, one

after another.

That irksfeeling crept up on him again. He wasn't normally short-tempered, but around her, he found his patience wore thin.

Crying? What's there to cry about? There are plenty of people in the world with bigger problems than hers.

Fitch's heart was indeed cold. He pulled out a cigarette, wanting to light up, but then he remembered where he was and reluctantly

put it back down.

Zoey continued to cry, clenching her hands tightly and trying not to let her sobs escape.

She didn't know why she was crying; just being around him made it impossible to hold back.

In the past few days, she had been hit repeatedly, but she only felt the physical pain, which was bearable.

But with Fitch's presence, it was as though all her wounds were being torn open again, which magnified the pain a thousandfold.

Unbearable agony.

She couldn't recall much of what happened next as she just numbly followed behind him, watching how he signed various

documents until, finally, she saw the blue sky outside.

sat in the passenger

fingers were festering, yet she felt almost

didn't immediately start the car but took a phone

up, he rubbed his forehead, feeling desperately in

a meeting to attend at the

drove to the office, and upon arrival, he didn't bother to check

floor for the meeting, but during the

outside occasionally.

he took over the Haskins family business, he'd been a

asked him the squestion twice, he felt

Cut all this verbose fluff; I don't have

was shocked, but before he could react, Fitch had already

left behind exchanged uneasy glances

the boss always needed a polish, or else no one could bear the responsibility for poor

to let things slide, but today he broke

in his office, he loosened his tie with one hand, his

didn't dare disturb

was getting dark outside, Fitch grabbed his coat and

in the underground

be in the passenger

strange feeling surged within him and, sure enough, when he opened the door, there she was, still curled up asleep,

from her wounds.

Fitch, and he shook her


was gripped tight, making it hard for

outside, she realized night had


at Zoey's current residence; her

you're droppingoff. What

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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