Queena didn't utter a word, her attention fixed on the medicine simmering in the pot.

Fabian's pride was wounded, and in a fit of embarrassed rage, he slapped the table.

"What's the deal here?"

Seeing Queena remain silent, he made a move towards the room where lan was resting.

"Fine, if you won't talk to me, I'll talk to the guy inside. And if he doesn't want to speak up, I'll toss him into the well outside!"

Fabian was used to throwing his weight around at home. His wife had been driven away by his temper, and if it hadn't been for the

school scholarship that Queena received, she might have never escaped a lifetof being on the receiving end of his fists.

Queena never cared about her father, but Fabian still saw her as the meek and compliant daughter she’d been in her youth.

He headed towards lan's room, but as he reached the door, someone smashed a chair down on his back.

He shook violently and toppled to the floor.

Fabian's body trembled, his eyes filled with disbelief, but he couldn't get the words out.

Queena pulled out a needle and thrust it into his brain, ending Fabian's life in an instant.

She returned to the stove to continue brewing her medicine, and after bringing it to lan, she went out to inform the villagers.

Fabian had a decent reputation in the village; though he was an abusive husband, he was also known to stand up for his neighbors.

And, like many men who were tyrants at home, Fabian was obsessed his dignity.

began to arrive to

you holding up okay?

sighed, her voice breaking,

fix a few broken tiles on the roof when

on Queena for medical care. With her mother gone and her father dead shortly after she

everyone was filled with pity for

in with vegetables and pork to prepare a feast at the

help—swashed the veggies, others chopped them, and a few took

simple canopy

wasn’t sure what to do next, so others went to hire a bagpiper and buy

of the bagpipes filled the village, mingling with the smoke

roused from sleep by the bagpipes, their sound having continued throughout

only to see wreaths laid out on a distant

to Tobias, who was

passed away

Queena's dad. Heard he fell off the roof

main room for three days. Look, handsome, I brought you

fussy; he took

your dad supposed to

until noon. There'll be

with the rising

stayed behind to look after Abner, and now, perked

it easy,

Abner nodded.

right length

enough to see in a single glance, situated by the water.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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