“Fitch, did you ever hear about Bernard's kid being shipped off years ago? Rumor has it, he bit the dust at sresearch lab."

"Yeah, that's not exactly a state secret. His son, just like Eric back in the day, got sent on shush-hush mission and never made

it back. Not even a bone to bury."

"Is there any record of the people they sent out?"

"Top secret stuff. Once someone kicks the bucket, their ID gets wiped clean."

Seemed like digging around here might just be a piece of cake.

Her lips curled, "I'm thinking, we don't really know what Bernard's angle is. What if we turn back the clock and say his son didn't

die at that lab, what if he was already gone before that? Maybe Bernard's playing God, trying to bring his boy back to life by

sparking his memories in someone else's noggin. Does that theory hold water?"

The moment she finished, the room plunged into silence. Maja's wild guesses always had a way of flipping everything on its head.

Nobody spoke, but then Patric, who'd been quiet as a church mouse, let out a snort. That snort got under Beck's skin. He stood up

and jabbed a finger at Patric's cheek.

"Hey, you cell warrior, what are you snickering at? Keep it up and I'll make you eat Rocky's dog treats, you believe that?"

Patric's face turned stormy, but his hands were tied behind his back, and he was cuffed to a sturdy iron rack. He wasn't going


"Back off!"

Beck. Beck dodged with a smirk, "Oh? Can't touch this, can

watched the exchange, massaging her temples. She figured the old scuffles between

deep down, he had

of the Sanders

two were at each other's

"Beck, knock it off."

turned, heading back to his seat. Maja eyed

Adam's apple bobbing, eyes suddenly rimmed red. After

your business!"

and defiance in his voice.

her, always trying to off Eric

thought he was a distinct personality, and Eric should just disappear.

stayed silent, only ever saying, "You'll regret hurting her

sure? Because he knew Patric was just a fragment of

his own

then this offshoot personality would inevitably be charmed by her too. So Eric was certain Patric

regrets, once he figured out where

the face before her. The flutter of her teen years was long gone.


to address the group lounging on

together the details. Bernard once said he wasn't

subject under experiment, and it succeed. Bernard wants to do the same, transplant his son's memories

live again. He must have those memories

lan be the person he's

be precise, not a person, but the right shell. Bernard's interest in Patric

crowd on the couch stayed mum. Only Patric, after a few

moved his lips, "You're

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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