"Ms. Pennyfeather, is this enough?" After delivering the punch, Cornelia turned to Maja for approval.

Maja, her belly now more pronounced with pregnancy, sat down. Ian rushed to her side, his voice laced with concern, "Haven't I told you to stay out of these things?" "And you have the nerve to say that? If it weren't forspotting that text from Carol, I'd still be in the dark about her being bullied by that woman." Sure, Carol getting pushed around by Felix was one thing; she seemed to have signed up for it. If she wanted to be treated like a doormat, that was her business.

But Listina? Who did she think she was, trying to lord it over Carol? lan fell silent, patting Maja's back gently while trying to explain, “Last night, when Carol texted, it was too late to disturb you, but I sent safeguards over to protect her." Maja knew he meant well, but she couldn't help feeling suffocated by the situation.

lan tenderly touched her shoulder, "There, there, everyone is here now. Think about the baby. Take a deep breath in, and let it out." She was still angry, but seeing his cautious demeanor made her want to laugh, "It's not that tic." lan thought to himself, she was furious and called it "not that tic"? Felix was going to pay for this when he showed up. Maja's gaze shifted to Listina. If it hadn't been for lan's intervention the night before, she dreaded to think what might have happened to Carol. Even if Carol was smart and had taken precautions, what about next time? Or the tafter that? Listina's eyes were swollen with fear at the sight of the group before her. One of them she recognized: Cornelia, a celebrity on the rise, with multiple awards to her nand nearly seventy million Twitter followers.

As for lan, his face was familiar from the finance papers, always accompanied by a string of impressive titles.

defense, her identity was now widely known. Listina couldn't afford to provoke any of them and could only call Felix

Carol have connections with such people? Why did they stand up for her? Carol was nothing but a bankrupt heiress, a tramp scorned

only hope rested

her wrist, embodying the role of the

Who gave you permission to glare at Ms.

off, the sound of a car engine filled the yard. Hope flickered in Listina's eyes as she

front door opening announced Felix's

since Maja had seen him, and she noted that his presence

glanced at

floor, Listina tried to reach him but was dragged back by Cornelia, "Felix, help me! They're all lunatics! How dare they lay their hands on me?" Tears streamed down Listina's cheeks, but then she heard Felix's voice, “Listina, it's tto issue the letter of understanding."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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