Nathan had just finished whipping up dinner when Carol settled into her seat, about to dig in, when her phone pinged with a new message.

It was a text from Listina, complete with a snapshot - a stolen moment from her last smooch session with Felix. The details of their lips locked were

embarrassingly clear.

The sight killed Carol's appetite stone dead. She scrolled through the chat history - it was all Lizzie talking to herself.

Bragging about how Felix spent the day with her, how he brought her treats, took her shopping, and kissed her, etc. Carol hadn't replied even once,

but she hadn't blocked Lizzie either - it was her way to keep tabs on Felix.

After the picture from Listina, another text cin.

[Last tI wanted to end you, but Felix still swept in to save me.]

Carol set her phone down, feeling a wave of ennui. It was the sold song and dance. How good Felix was to her, how much he loved her.

She poked at the shrimp on her plate, ate a couple out of obligation, and sipped schicken soup.

Barely halfway full, she put down her utensils and announced she was leaving. Nathan jumped up to see her out.

rang. Fiona, thinking Nathan returned, wheeled herself over to the

standing there.

blinked in surprise as he asked, “Is your brother not

out, but cin, Felix. Make

off his shoes in the foyer, a gift

busy looking after Carol recently and hadn't found the tto cby. After placing the gift aside, Felix noticed the lavish

table, complete with three

visited their home,

you guys have

rigid, recalling Nathan's warning to never bring

a friend

eyes and

Felix stopped her, “Don’t worry about

palms were sweaty. She had never lied to him

checked, your brother said

quickly that he was already bringing her hfor dinner? Nathan

was at a loss for words, and after a tense ten seconds, she nodded,

tying the

itching for a cigarette, but he refrained

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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