Fitch had always been the kind of guy who could keep his cool, even Tyler had said so. It must be serious over there. lan's brow furrowed as he glanced at Maja, still in bed, recovering.

He couldn't let her know what was happening; she'd just end up in tears again. Her body was still on the mend.

He hastily set down the book he was reading, a dog-eared copy of a Rosemary Sanders novel, and bent to plant a kiss on Maja's cheek. "There's a bit of a situation at the office. I need to step out, but if you feel unwell, don't hesitate to call me."

"Is something wrong?"

"Just a meeting, nothing major. I'll be back before you know it."

Maja nodded. The little boy snoozing beside her was named Craig, and the girl, Rosemary Sanders. In the end, one bore lan's surname, while the other took on the Sanders family name.

A weak smile curved her lips. Childbirth had taken a toll on her, but after a week of rest, she didn't feel discomfort anywhere.

For the past week, lan had been on diaper duty and mixing formula. When the babies fussed at night, as Maja stirred, lan would gently press her back into bed. "Rest up. I'll take the little ones next door to settle them down."

Maja was indeed weary, drifting back to sleep before she knew it.

A week of this routine had drawn dark circles under lan's eyes, yet he seemed to glow with a spirited light.

two sleeping children beside

of his car to the max, heading for the address Tyler

consumed half the hillside.

people. Though Rachel had been demoted to go undercover, she had unexpectedly arranged everything perfectly

fire, a knot of

child had been safely evacuated was a mystery. Gripping the steering wheel tightly, lan arrived at the base of the hill and saw Tyler waiting, his face smeared with soot and urgency. "Fitch charged in there, and I

expression darkened immediately. Wildfires were terrifying; a shift in the

with fire engines, the blaze drawing the attention

lan said, "We need more hands

He had watched

couldn't bear to

Fitch's eyes, never having seen him so desperate. Attempting to light a cigarette but too shaken to manage, Tyler let his pack

blaming himself for not holding Fitch back. "Cut

plopped down,

you guys, really? I thought he was over Zoey, after personally putting her behind bars. Now, hearing she's in trouble, he's ready to

for words. He used to relish watching these people's drama, smart folks chasing each other over love, but now he was genuinely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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