When Craig Raymond and Rosemary Sanders celebrated their first birthday, Beck Sanders flew back from North America to attend the celebration. He had planned to come with Dylan Sanders, but Dylan had to change his flight when the girl he brought back from the

base suddenly fell ill with a fever. Beck ended up flying alone and took the opportunity to meet with some distant relatives of the Sanders family.

Ever since Augus Sanders fell ill, these relatives had been harboring their own agendas. If it weren't for the shares being transferred to Maja, the Sanders family might have descended into chaos. Now that Augus was recovering and the shares had returned to Dylan and Beck, these distant relatives seemed to warm up again. Beck, however, didn't show much enthusiasm toward them.

That was until they found Stella Sanders a few days ago. Beck hadn't been in touch with her side of the family, given she was only related by marriage, sharing the Sanders surname by chance. She had a son and a daughter, and when Tomas Sanders was still around, he often visited the elder Sanders.

After the elder Sanders encountered trouble, it was Stella's outcry that helped avert a disaster. However, Stella disappeared afterward. The Sanders family had tried to find her, to no avail. Tomas believed Stella's disappearance was his fault, so before he died, he told Augus that if Stella were ever found, the family should give her one percent of the shares as a thank you.

Given the scale of the Sanders family's empire, one percent of the shares was a fortune, enough for Stella to live comfortably for the rest of her life-wealth beyond what most could earn in several lifetimes.

However, Beck was skeptical about the sudden reappearance of this so-called daughter, suspecting she was after the shares. He went to verify her identity, and indeed, Stella was a lost member of the Sanders family. Despite only being one percent, Beck wasn't keen on just handing over the shares. He had a hunch that Stella wasn't genuine, that she had an ulterior motive for integrating into the Sanders family. Yet, he had no proof, and with Craig and Rosemary's birthday bash about to start, he had to leave North America and head to Greenfield temporarily.

couldn't see eye to eye with lan. He hugged the two little ones but quickly brought up

you did a paternity test. There shouldn't be any

displayed. "Maja, you don't understand, there's something off

"How so?" Maja probed.

known in North America

generous playboy, had never

woman as being

time I met her,

mistress of a

she quickly tried to

wanted to pass her paper. The professor was so smitten he couldn't see

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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