Chapter 323

On the other end of the call, Curtis chuckled. “We’ve only been apart for a short while, yet you’ve already. stopped addressing me as casually?”

“No. I think it’s more suitable to call you a jerk!”

“I’m calling you to check on your cold. It sounds like you’re recovering well. Your hyponasal voice is gone.” Curtis‘ voice was deep and slightly hoarse. “I’m missing you a little.”

Rayna blushed to the tip of her ears and snorted. “There are so many busty ladies in the clubs at Saintnam. Aren’t you indulging yourself in the sight of those pretty ladies when you go in there to discuss business with others? I’m surprised you still remember me.”

“We didn’t go to a club. Our discussion took place at Histon Hotel. Just over ten of us and two female translators,” he explained solemnly before laughing quietly. “Are you mad at me for not bringing you with me?”

“I didn’t say that. I’m enjoying the time of my life at home.”

“It’s not chilly here, but the air is humid because it’s the rainy season, so the weather here can easily worsen your cold. I’ll bring you here on vacation when we’re free next time.”

Rayna questioned him warily, “Did you do anything wrong, jerk? Why else are you so concerned about me all of a sudden? This is so unlike you.”

Curtis felt helpless. “You’re my wife. Shouldn’t I care for you?”

“I haven’t married you yet!”

“You’ve already accepted the betrothal gift, so how is that any different?”

Unable to win him during an argument, she rolled on her bed a couple of times before deciding to skip over that topic. “When are you coming back?”

“Next Tuesday.”

The return date was two days earlier than the one week Gabriel had informed her.

She grunted in response while fiddling with her hair. “Let Jessie stay for a few more days. Mr. Lopez’s funeral just passed, and Lopez Group is in a mess now. Wyatt needs to be there to take charge. He’ll be exhausted and requires someone to stay by his side and comfort him. Besides, if you suddenly send Jessie abroad, that will raise Wyatt’s suspicion too.”

Instead of assenting, Curtis merely said, “Jeremy is back, right? He can be there to support Wyatt.”

“How is that the same?” Rayna raised her tone, planning to talk some sense into him. “If you’re upset, who would you prefer to have by your side? Me, Theodore, or Jeremy?”

Curtis was stumped.

knew what would be his choice. She snorted and chirped, “See? If even you prefer to have me around, Wyatt must feel this way too. You can

in peace after the state of affairs at

“Look at that. Isn’t it great when you do some good deeds occasionally? Don’t

there to be happy about when I’m currently staying in

Chapter 323

spoke. “How I wish I could ditch all my

Rayna pouted. “Quit flirting with girls like a womanizer and go to sleep. By the way, can you survey if there’s any fun present you can buy for your nephew? I’ve

“Has Jasmine

when we went on a holiday at Jetroina. I don’t suppose Jasmine will prank

remain so unexcited. Perhaps he will want to be with his son

briefly. “I’ll ask Jasmine

“Mrs. Faymon.”

“What’s the matter?”

slight resignation,

instantaneously, and her palms turned sweaty. “Let’s talk about this when you’re back. I’m very

hastily ended the

the bed, mulling over Curtis‘ words. Her heart continued to palpitate, and her cheeks remained

At that stage in their

the last time they did it at the resort. Then, she realized she didn’t have much recollection because Curtis

the crystal palace on the floor shining brightly inside the

was the first gift Curtis had given

that man, Rayna pursed her lips and smiled while muttering, “We’ll try to conceive a child

remaining home for two days, Rayna

place for the past few days. Instead, Gabriel had been visiting her persistently

you bore that in your mind? Don’t go harassing Jessie during this period.

deeds while I’m tasked with all the unpleasant responsibilities. Am I here to shoulder all

and chewed on the


Chapter 323

have a meal together last night.” Gabriel was immediately invigorated. “I selected the restaurant according to her preference and even bought

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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