The housekeeper had already prepared a room for Gianna and stocked it with products from the brand the latter wanted.

Opening the closet, Gianna found dozens of the latest luxury clothing items lying quietly inside.

After picking out an outfit and donning it, she took selfies in every corner of the room. She then video-called her fair-weather friends and showed them around the mansion. As she took in their envious gazes, a look of smugness settled upon Gianna’s face.

Just when she was about to enter the third floor, the housekeeper rushed over and blocked her path.

“Ms. Gianna, you are free to go anywhere in this mansion but the third floor.”

Furious, Gianna growled, “I’m the mistress of this place! What do you mean I can’t go to the third floor?”

The housekeeper replied, “Well, Ms. Marsh is staying on the third floor. Mr. Lopez has told us that you can go anywhere except the third floor, so I hope you won’t give us a hard time, Ms. Gianna.”

Embarrassed, Gianna quickly cut off the video call.

She then fumed, “I don’t care who’s living on the third floor! I’m Wyatt’s girlfriend!”

To that, the housekeeper responded with, “I don’t know what your relationship with Mr. Lopez is, but I have heard that the lady living on the third floor is Mr. Lopez’s fiancée.”

His fiancée? And her last name is Marsh?

Gianna immediately thought of someone and pressed the housekeeper, “Are you talking about Jessica Marsh?”


Gianna’s heart lurched upon hearing that.

I thought Wyatt would be irked and break up with Jessica after seeing that and hearing the lies I made up! Why would he arrange for Jessica to stay here? And why ask me to move in?

Forcing herself to remain calm, Gianna tried to sound the housekeeper out. “Why is Wyatt letting her stay here?”

“I have no idea, Ms. Gianna.”

is she staying on the third floor?” A glint flashed across Gianna’s eyes before she added nonchalantly, “I don’t mind that Wyatt has a fiancée. I just want to build a rapport with her.

her, Ms. Gianna. Mr. Lopez has forbade her from leaving the third floor. We’re the ones sending

that, followed by curiosity. She asked, “Did she have a fight with

in the former’s hand before saying, “Just tell me. After all, I’m not the only one staying here. I don’t want to piss Wyatt

accepting the money, the housekeeper’s resolve weakened, and she told Gianna about the time Jessica and Wyatt got into a fight. She continued with how they helped Jessica to a bath, cleaned up her body, and

hearing everything, Gianna

that I’ve created. All Wyatt wants is for her to get pregnant and have a child. That’s why he imprisoned her here. Since Jessica’s not allowed to leave the third

for her to be treated like this.” She then ordered the housekeeper, “Do take good care of her and don’t let her come downstairs, lest her presence

“Understood, Ms. Gianna.”

the mansion, Gianna could wake up at

sum of money to be wired to her. Apart from that, she only needed to make a phone call for someone at the luxury stores to bring

was a blissful

floor, and she would be reminded of the incident when she was talking to Jessica in the stairwell and accidentally pushed

has been imprisoned on the third floor, there’s no telling when Wyatt might go to

mind. As such, when she found someone who could help her on WhatsApp, she immediately contacted

a later, a package arrived

out the contents, and snuck into

the housekeeper deliver the food to the third floor, a cruel smile spread across her

idea Gianna was living on the

dare ask the housekeeper to call him. In the

Jessica felt slightly unwell

the window to read under the sunlight. Seeing how obedient she was

entertained herself with reading and

bother her. However, she chalked it up to the fact that she might have caught a cold because she had not slept

the housekeeper came up with a plate of fruits and told Jessica, “Mr.

He’s coming back?

on a chaise longue, a groggy Jessica sat up immediately upon hearing that, her dim eyes

then asked the housekeeper what time

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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