Chapter 24

No doubt. Egbert is the best

–[Of course, Egbert is the top dog! Eileen’s got a point and I can’t argue with that |

– isn’t Egbert awesome enough“]

–[How could Kenley ever compete with Egbert? Ten Kenleys don’t even hold a candle to one Egbert, right?]

Eileen noticed Phyllis and Bblythe staring at her dumbfounded She raised her eyebrows Did I say anything wrong? Bblythe, you don’t think that ugly duckling Kenley is hot, do you?”

“Ugly duckling Bblythe was utterly taken aback. She opened her mouth to say something, but words failed her

Eileen then stood up and asked Phyllis, “Are you gonna call the cops?”

Phyllis turned pale as a ghost

Eileen glanced at the camera “Kenley is a bigger deal than you Right now, I bet thore viewers are hurling insults at you than sympathizing with you. They would probably say that you asked for it by dressing scantily. They wouldn’t side with the victim. These netizens only spout nonsense I’ve been there and experienced their online comments I can recite them blindfolded I don’t give a damn. But if you don’t want to be their punching bag, I suggest you call your manager now and discuss whether to get the police involved”

–[Eileen’s words are hilarious. She’s so proud of being the netizens target and even predicts what they re gonna say]

–[Netizens Hahaha we’re gonna trash Eileen all day. Check out our new disses, we’ll definitely scare Eileen this time. Eileen: Cool, I’m studying how you guys roast people]

– [Hahaha Eileen is a riot! This woman has successfully caught my attention!]

– [Calling the police is the best solution, but the manager might not agree. PrismPulse Entertainment is probably busy doing crisis management for Kenley, and they would definitely choose to protect him]

After Eileen spoke, the room fell into an awkward silence.

Phyllis kept her head down and didn’t utter a word. After a long silence, Bblythe finally said, “We can’t count on the company for this.”

how PrismPulse Entertainment

about we let her rest for the night and deal

too late by tomorrow” Eileen glared at Phyllis

But when you’re being trashed by netizens, don’t come crying to me. I’ve been there, taken the heat, and I sure as hell can’t save you from the same fate” After

looked at Eileen, but they both remained

a wink that night. The next day. Phyllis got a call. As she

production team held an emergency meeting, and Kenley had been rushed to the hospital overnight.

“Are we still

team replied. “Kenley won’t be participating anymore. Whether Phyllis continues or not is up to

Phyllis in the corner. Everyone assumed she would quit, given what had happened. However, Phyllis announced resolutely,


are you sure about this?”

smile. “Bblythe, I don’t

seeming to have an inkling of her decision. He glanced at Phyllis,

when she noticed Egbert’s gaze, she quickly turned to

coldly looked

now? Will

replied, “Absolutely not. The money was given to you. Whether you spent it or

a deep sorrow and looked

reminded them. “You have 10 minutes left before check–out”

the six of them went downstairs with their luggage The elevator was

her head low, apologizing repeatedly

her Josiah sighed. “It’s okay, we’ll


won’t have to take the blame for losing the money]

really isn’t going to help them? What will they

you think Eileen has a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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