Chapter 61

“That’s all?” Evan was a little surprised. He had been expecting something serious.

He sat back in his chair. “I’ll make the necessary arrangements.”

“Do you have anyone in mind?” Dan asked

Evan thought about it. Somehow, the first person who popped into his head wasn’t Jake, the experienced managing director of JK Couture, or any of JK Couture’s more senior designers, but Anya

Damnit. Why was he thinking about her again?

He could feel a headache coming on Something was really wrong with him. He hadn’t been acting like his usual self for the past two days

His thoughts never strayed far from Anya and he had no idea why.

He couldn’t stop thinking about her soft, pink lips.

He honestly detested that woman but somehow, he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about her either

“What’s wrong with you?” Dan reached out and peered at Evan’s face when he caught his friend lost in his thoughts. “You’re

spacing out.”

“It’s nothing” Evan yanked himself out of his thoughts. He collected himself and gave Dan a cool look

“So, do you have any recommendations?”

He was more concerned about the choice of designer.

His cousin’s wedding was just around the corner. They really needed a designer who had great taste and knew how to get

the job done


folks at JK Couture and let


“No problem.

at JK

was just done with the design for Mdm

Sydney arrived then.

working in the media department of Welton Group. The department had


Chapter 61


talking to the press. You had to appear in front of the

Sydney, who loved appearing in front of cameras

because she missed Anya or because she wanted to get to

here looking for

an event today and needed someone to help. out. The other departments were all

came to JK Couture to request someone to help them out with their event.


a great

in the process. Naturally, Sydney

and sashayed

no clue about the history between Anya and

agreed to Sydney’s

Anya’s desk to discuss the matter with her.

soon as she saw

Jake tell her that she was to help Sydney out with the media department’s event.

than do that. She turned towards Jake. “Jake,

except concern for Anya fled Jake’s head as soon as he heard that. “Do you need to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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