Chapter 98

Paternity test?

Anya was startled before feeling a slight chill running down her back.

It seemed that her guess was correct.

Since Evan was not a complete rookie and not to mention, he had been in the business for so long now. How could he possibly be fooled by such a baseless excuse?

Fortunately for Anya, she was prepared for this, she did not panic after she was asked that.

“Mr. Welton, I have no idea what you’re talking about? What does your paternity test have anything to do with me?” Anyal replied in a calm tone after calming herself down.

Evan glared at her beautiful yet arrogant little face like a hawk as his gaze dimmed a little before saying, “That night you spent with me a year ago, well, it’s been more than a year since. The child should be around a year old now, right?”

When Evan brought up that embarrassing night, Anya’s beautiful cheeks began to blush slightly as she bit her lips. She truly wished to clamp Evan’s mouth shut.

Did he not know that a lawyer was standing right beside him?


contraceptive pills then.” She felt that she was blushing heavier after she finished saying

‘How embarrassing.

was, the lawyer that was standing beside him

and to him, Evan was an extraordinary, disciplined and handsome man. He was absurdly strict when it came to romantic relationships and never had the

was actually called over that day to discuss matters

been racing the entire time. It was not because that he was excited when it came to gossips, the truth was,

he was afraid and

when it came to wealthy families like his. That

was to leak someday in the future, he might actually be dead. He would much rather not know

what happened that


Chapter 98


How could

no idea how you managed to think that my cousin’s son has anything to do with you. How do you think my cousin–in–law would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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