Desires Die Hard

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Anya spent the rest of her day in the amusement park trying every ride they could to make up for not bringing the children

out for almost a year.

Nathaniel and Eudora had a great time at the amusement park today.

At 3:30 pm, Nathaniel and Eudora were so exhausted from all the fun that they laid in Anya and Ellie’s arms and fell asleep.

Anya checked the time and realized it was almost evening, so she carried the children back with Ellie.

The paternity test would take a week to be ready, so all she had to do was wait patiently.

Regardless of how Nathaniel and Eudora’s hair samples were tested, it was impossible for Evan to have any biological ties

with them.

She had nothing to worry about.

The next day, Anya breastfed the children when she woke up before reminding Ellie to give them baby formula in the


She planned on slowly weaning them off breast milk.

After some time, she intended on feeding them something else altogether.

Anya cleaned up and changed into corporate wear after feeding the kids. She walked downstairs quickly to take a bus to work from the bus stop.

On her way to the bus stop, Anya was worried Jake might be there to ambush her and send her to work.

Fortunately, there was no sign of him.

Also, everything went smoothly on her way to the company.

Nothing unusual happened at all.

After arriving at JK Couture, she punched in for work.

Anya had even warmed her seat at her desk, Jake came over with

to?” asked Anya curiously as she stood

had a meeting with Dan today about his cousin’s wedding dress.

I tell you? You are taking care of Mr. Baker’s cousin’s


on. Mr. Baker is waiting to see



Chapter 109

of high status, so they could not keep

of the day?” asked Anya quizzically as she hurriedly

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get to work after 9:00


Just like how busy Mr. Welton is.” The moment Jake brought up Evan, Anya

usual breakfast spot

she felt relaxed as she came over to the restaurant with Jake.

with Jake, Anya listened attentively as Jake and Dan

knew Dan, but people had a lot of

not a cold and threatening CEO.

finally met him, the rumor seemed to hold some

some breakfast and dine together while he elegantly

turned down his

with Jake, Dan had a sip of espresso before he said, “Mr. Welton will be coming over for breakfast

course not. It is my honor.” Jake naturally liked the idea of having breakfast with Evan. It was not every day that

all Evan was

After all, Evan


Anya frowned on

was he invited to breakfast?

close, so it made sense for them to have

was unsurprised but just

keen on seeing Evan recently, but it seemed unavoidable today.

they could settle the design quickly, she could leave shortly after Evan showed up. Anya promptly interrupted Jake and

eyes as he smiled ambiguously and looked at the woman who used to be known

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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