Desires Die Hard

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

The morning light scattered down and left a golden hue over the city as Anya and Jake left the restaurant

Jake brought Anya to the parking lot.

On their way to the car, Jake retrieved his car keys as he said, “Anya, don’t take it to heart. Mr. Welton isn’t a petty man

Jake did not know what went on between Evan and Anya at all and he simply wanted to console her.

The little juice incident in the restaurant with Evan was the least of Anya’s concerns. Instead, she was fretting over this tak about Evan preparing children’s furniture. What was he trying to do?

The paternity test was not even ready!

Was he planning on snatching the children anyway?

Why would he want the children if they were not his flesh and blood?

Why did he have to do this?

He was a millionaire CEO and could have his pick of any girl.

A long queue of socialites and celebrities were dying to bear his children.

Did he have to sink so low as to steal kids that were not his biological children?

out what Evan

was genuinely worried Evan might suddenly change his mind and take the

was dead meat

your mind? I told you not to worry about it. Everything will be okay.” After

beautiful eyes seemed racked with worry, so he could not help consoling

what Jake said, she gathered her thoughts and shook

and get the sample designs,” said Jake as he reminded Anya. “I will come along with you this time. I did not go with you to see Mdm Welton since it was a small

nodded in agreement as she composed herself and stopped thinking about Evan ordering children’s fumiture. She

to focus on

nothing to worry


Chapter 111

N10% 13:22

back at JK Couture, Anya went upstairs with Jake.

his office to retrieve some sample designs

back to her desk to get

of Mr. Baker’s cousin’s wedding gown walked over to Anya in her stilettos with a small,

now, so she said candidly. “Uh huh. We are


Ms. Mars? I hear she loves the cakes from this bakery,” said Tammy as she smiled. innocently. “It is very important to make a good first impression. Now that I have messed up, the design department is counting on you to win this project. I really hope


as she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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