Desires Die Hard

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Meanwhile, at the private hospital in Nordeny;

The moment Dan learned of the situation, he immediately sent bodyguards to protect Lola and prevented any nosy paparazzi, fans, or members of the public from coming close to her.

Since Anya and Jake were from JK Couture and had something to do with Lola’s predicament, the bodyguards did not stop them from entering the hospital.

Anya and Jake were permitted to wait outside the VIP hospital ward.

After 30 minutes, Lola was finally pushed out of the emergency room and sent to the intensive care unit for recovery.

Anya wanted to find out what happened, but Jake stopped her. Instead, he brought her to the nurses‘ station to find out what happened to Lola after ingesting some cake.

“I am partially responsible for this as well since I did not stop you from bringing cake.”

“Mr. Hanson, I did not buy the cake.” Anya did not want to bear sole responsibility for Lola’s situation.

“Then who bought it?” Jake thought Anya had brought the cake because she did some research and knew Lola liked it.

“Tammy gave it to me this morning”

“Tammy?” Jake frowned. He found it slightly inconceivable Tammy was behind it.

Tammy had worked at JK Couture far longer than him even though he beat her to the promotion. Since Tammy was a highly experienced designer, Jake could not believe she would do something like this and sabotage Anya. “Are you sure she gave you the cake?”

Anya did not want to let Tammy get away with it.


shouldered all

and her fellow designers did not like her, but she did

as to why

for her, there was no reason

was not lying or embellishing the facts about Tammy. Every

had a

to become a designer at

somewhat disbelieving. However, he knew Anya was not a liar and she


Chapter 114

and ask her

nodded in agreement.

and made a call

*UEN 10% 13:23

she was unsurprised and was completely composed as she spoke to Jake, “Mr. Hanson, what do you

you give Anya the cake this morning?” asked Jake

I did said Tammy

allergic to mango?” Tammy had

even harder at


have allergies? If I knew about it, I wouldn’t have bought her the cake.” Tammy pretended to sound sorry and dejected. “Mr. Hanson, my bad. I am so sorry about causing Ms. Mars‘ allergies

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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