Desires Die Hard

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

When Mr. Cornwall turned around, the extremely spacious and luxurious office was so quiet that everyone could seemingly hear a pin drop.

Mr. Cornwall was a little nervous at such silence since he absolutely hated eavesdropping on his boss‘ matters. Since he had always lived by the principle, ‘The more one knows, the more one suffers. After he turned around and hesitated for a couple of seconds, he said, “I’ll wait for you outside, Mr. Welton. If you have anything you need from me, you can call me.” Mr. Cornwall blurted that out and before Evan could even say anything, he strode out.

or that.

A door slam could be heard after that.

The spacious office returned to its earlier silent state.

“I’m a little curious, Ms. MacMillan.” Evan exclaimed after staring at her slightly stiff looking little face.

He sounded calm and a mild refreshing minty scent could be sensed from his breath after he had smoked a cigarette earlier.

He was exhaling on her face. His breath felt warm and refreshing. It was not too strong and actually smelled good.

That was why every woman in the capitol wanted to kiss Evan. It seemed that not only was the man attractive looking, his breath smelled really good too. This would melt any woman’s heart.

him away and stood up before exclaiming, “Mr. Welton, this is very personal to me and I

would be very difficult to lie

she felt that Evan would not frame her after looking at the paternity

him to do so.

night together…I can’t help but be skeptical of it, right?” Evan replied as

was trying to spot a shred of any reaction from her face. The truth was,

as a person. He would not lie

those children really not

man away. However, the man felt like a wall and it seemed that no matter how she tried to push, he just would not budge. Anya felt frustrated but she could not do anything about it, so she decided not to struggle as she simply said,


Chapter 130

his menacing gaze and it felt as if

and said, “Yes, Mr. Welton. Can you

out and it clearly states that thou

again, Mr.

nothing to do with you, I hope you wont

before releasing Anya, allowing her

got up from his lap, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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