Desires Die Hard

Chapter 132

Chapter 132


“Why did Mr. Welton look for you for, Anya?” Jake asked her in a concerned tone.

Anya hid the medicine bottle into her bag and shook her head with a smile. She then lied, “Nothing much really. He was just asking me about the incident with Ms. Mars and he wanted to know how I was going to settle it.”

It seemed that Jake also guessed that he would be asking about that, so he was not suspicious that there might be something else. He said, “What did you say to him then?”

“I said that I’d get Ms. Mars‘ project back and I won’t bring shame to both Welton and JK Groups.”

Jake nodded. However, the only thing was, he was worried that Anya might not be able to get Lola’s project back. He said, “Look, just do your best about Ms. Mars‘ case. If you’re not able to get it back, I won’t blame you. You didn’t intend for this to happen anyway.”

Anya replied, “Til try my best, Mr. Hanson.”

This time, she did not just want to try, she wanted to get it back. She wanted to prove herself. Moreover, she did not wish to be bullied by the others as they pleased.

Jake chuckled as a star–struck gaze flashed across his eyes. It seemed that he was starting to love Anya even more. He decided to confess his feelings towards her in the future as he said, “Alright, carry on with your work. You can always look for me if there’s any problems at all.”

“Thanks Mr. Hanson.” Anya replied. She did not notice the star struck gaze from his eyes as she assured him in a serious


her a gentle nod before withdrawing his

Evan and other complicated mess. She needed to rush Mdm. Welton’s coat and think of a way

to see Anya

was drenched in rain previously, what made think

she would not know if she

number and sent her a text, (Greetings, Ms. Mars, I am a designer from JK Group, Anya MacMillan. I am truly sorry about last time. If you’re free today, can you spare some

the text was sent. Anya knew that she would never reply. Despite that, she

placing her phone down. She spent the entire day working and it seemed both Tammy and


Chapter 132

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notice Anya that was in front of the design board, they recalled how rude she was towards them earlier during the day as a flash of envious rage could be seen seeping

other and decided to insult Anya.

and now another man dropped her off at work in

willing to accompany those men. How could she be like us who are honorable and

Channel bag or be dropped

we have a wealthy man to pay for

attracted the attention of the other designers. They asked, “Hey

JK Group do you think would stoop

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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