Desires Die Hard

Chapter 161

Chapter 161


It was noon. The sun was a bright blinding glare in the sky shining down on Orchid Vale Country Club, an exclusive country club and golf course for the rich and famous.

Anya had been compelled to join Evan for a game of golf at the country club.

They stepped into the lavishly decorated establishment.

Instantly, uniformed staff and caddies rushed forward to receive Evan with a warm welcome.

Anya had arrived at the country club alongside Evan.

Hence, it didn’t matter who she was.

She received the same cordial reception. The staff of the country club treated her with such friendliness that she found herself slightly overwhelmed by their enthusiasm.

Luckily, Evan did not require her to do anything after they had arrived at the country club. All she had to do was get on the golf cart, take a seat and be driven to a vast stretch of leveled, green lawn.

Evan got out of the golf cart as soon as they arrived at the golf course.

The caddie, with the bag of golf clubs and golf balls slung over his shoulder, trailed the young man closely like a second


golf. She ended

was a really warm day.

across the golf course and cast a harsh brightness

had already begun his first game.

observed the game. After some time, she couldn’t take the heat any longer. It was simply too warm outside. She desperately needed a break

a white golf cart sped past her and nearly knocked her down. Anya steadied herself

young man got out of the

face the next second. It had been a year. He had not expected to see the woman who

What a coincidence.

at Anya before moving right into her path. Malice dripped from his every word.




ter 161

a place

heard you were driven out of

when she had looked up. Surprise rippled across her eyes. She had not expected to run into her ex–fiancé here.

talking to the man.

look before

any of that. His family had forced him into a marriage of convenience with Anya a year ago. But what had come of it?

fiancée had


off the engagement quickly. The thought of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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