Desires Die Hard

Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Evan didn’t linger for long. The young man had other important matters to attend to.

Without any hesitation, he instructed the driver to start the car immediately.

Anya finally stepped out of the building after Evan had driven off. She stared as the car headed into the setting sun. Waves of exasperation and powerlessness threatened to overwhelm her as she pinched the bridge of her nose.


She was going to finish her design for Lola’s bridal gown and then, she was going to quit her job at JK Couture. She swore she would do it.

Meanwhile, back at Ellie’s apartment, the twins, Nathaniel and Eudora were having their afternoon nap.

When Anya got back to the apartment, she had to tiptoe around the house so as not to wake her precious darlings. The young woman decided to take a shower.

The hours spent playing golf with Evan had left her sticky with sweat. It wasn’t a pleasant experience at all.

In fact, she felt terrible.

Anya had her shower, then changed into something comfortable. After that, she began pumping breast milk for the kids.

While she was pumping breast milk, Ellie brought a plate of freshly sliced watermelon over to her. “Anya, have some fruit. It must be warm outside. This should make you feel better.”


this apartment. I think we should move into a new place, somewhere nice,” Ellie

to have come out of nowhere. The young woman wasn’t sure why her aunt was considering selling her apartment. “Ellie, the

sell it?”

Nordeny cost a fortune.

might not be able to afford another apartment that had a location that was as good as

location of Ellie’s current apartment wasn’t the best but

in this neighborhood aren’t very good. If we want to place them in a good kindergarten, we’ll

had thought of everything even before the kids‘


& Mr

Chapter 164


Anya wouldn’t have realized why Ellie wanted to

FAN a 14:01


enough savings to pay the down payment for a new apartment. We don’t have to worry

Nordeny cost a bomb. A tiny apartment with a good school in the neighborhood could cost a million dollars. You’re talking about setting aside savings of approximately four to five hundred grand within two years.

her sister’s daughter. With her dear


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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