Desires Die Hard

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Eudora should be frightened of Evan as well.

But compared to the strange woman who had abducted her, Evan was less of a stranger. Anya had brought Eudora and her brother to Evan’s place to play. The child naturally felt safer with the young man.

She shouldn’t. Anya had told her not to get too friendly with the young man when they had visited his place. She had listened to her mother and kept her distance.

But the young man was carrying her in his arms right now.

The girl felt strangely safe in his arms. His embrace felt as familiar as Anya’s.

Besides, the young man smelled nice. He smelled like peppermint.

Eudora stopped crying instantly. She wrapped her arms around Evan tightly and didn’t let go. It was as if he were her very own knight.

The woman who had snatched her from her mother had been terrifying. She had grabbed Eudora and started running. Anya couldn’t catch up with her at all.

Eudora had been so frightened.

She had been worried that she might never see her mother again.

Evan was startled by the light grip Eudora had on him. She was just a small child. The kid was hugging him fiercely with her tiny arms. A sudden and unexpected surge of paternal affection rose within the young man.

He patted the young girl’s back gently and tried to calm the child down.

Evan’s gentle gesture sent Hayden reeling with disbelief. He had just caught up with his boss.

His impression of Evan was of a distant and unapproachable man who kept everyone at a distance.

royalty. He was the emperor and everyone else,

this time though. The man was as gentle as a

with the young girl. But that didn’t mean that he had forgotten about the expensive kids‘ furniture that Evan had bought recently. Honestly, he


couldn’t deny

matter for a few moments before he shoved


& MF

Chapter 180

stood at one side and waited for further instructions from

wond fun and adore segar docussing heatedly with one another as Evan

that mean that the woman’s the one who tried to seduct the kid in the


unbelievable. Who would try to kidnap a kid in broad daylight? That’s outages She must be one kind of a human trafficker. We can’t

have to keep an eye

they seemed to be serious. They weren’t going to let her leave the had to run before it was too


fact, they thought that human traffickers deserved capital punishment

criminals stole children

were the scum of the earth.

crowd began to close in around the woman. She knew that the jig was up. Terror had her falling to her

wanted a kid… my granddaughter died in a car accident. I just wanted a granddaughter…please, have mercy on me. I just miss my granddaughter.”

sure she doesn’t run. We have to hand her to the cops when they sove.” The woman’s begging didn’t invoke any sympathy for her. All it brought upon her were

kids because her own was gone.

Eudora’s attempted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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