Desires Die Hard

Chapter 185

Chapter 186

that evening drys and the tailor at the tele mill soir the war between them and tha

yum dators was time to knock off wore

in order to keep the fall snsden from being seen beamione e Ank tot groten a 320kpament bag for the crem Heart sacpaly in the garment bag to one would be able to sad any pictures of the gown wher be bese

pling wat fre

ya cutied Lols and told her that the dress was ready. She could senc ter met complete COMT.

is seemed surprised by the designers efficency Burne dion pay anything She simply instruer ter omve to 10 to

led twenty minutes to teach the factory

tis soror Ania could oor of now he sauc tande tre poured Arve a

of water “Anys,

The young woman took the glass of water from the tailor and smiles polney. She shook ter test. I stok around until the driver arrives and picks up the gown Otherwise wont be able to see wel zong”

She was worried that she might have missed something

Something night go wrong agan She would rather stor around a while onger and see the thought to the end

The tailor could tell that Anys was a serious so we cand deeply scout her work, he counted our admire and respect the young woman. “Aing then Ware yourself comfortable fm going back to my work.”

Anya nodded and found herself a seat

minutes, Lola’s driver

the gown carefully and handed to the

woman grabbed her bag and left the factory with a spring in her step

a dinner with Cindy’s

twins and

decided to dress up for the occasion Anys got home, fed her lovely twITS BE played with them for ten minutes. Then, the washed up

to put on some makeup-

plainly and simply and applied only a

σ Mr

Chapter 185



favor tonight. It was a favor that concerned


picked out a nice floral dress that ended right at the knees. She looked young and

was blown away by the sight. The older woman beamed at Anya. “Anya, you should dress up more often. You’re a pretty lady. You look incredible when you dress

business,” Anya said. Her aunt’s compliments

Anya was going to have dinner with a

help herself as she nagged

know,” Anya said as she combed her fingers through her dark hair. She headed towards the door and slipped into

his chubby

few new words when Ellie had complimented

new words that he had just learned. She reached out and tousled the boy’s hair. “That’s cute, Nathaniel. Mommy

didn’t want his mother to go. He wouldn’t let go of her arm. Eudora walked up to the two and started tugging at Anya’s other arm at all. Anya’s kids had both her arms

The older woman walked up to the trio and lifted Eudora and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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