Desires Die Hard

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Ellie sneaked into the bedroom hastily and called Anya. The young woman was in the middle of her meal. Anya picked her call immediately. “Anya, are you done with dinner?”

She was in the middle of her dinner with Jamie. Of course, she was not. She had not realized that Evan had left the restaurant. The young woman sounded completely at ease when she replied. “Nope. I might take another half an hour.”

Half an hour? That long?

Ellie was at a momentary loss. Anya had gone for dinner with the lawyer because she needed to get started on her lawsuit on her mother’s inheritance. Ellie should not be interrupting her dinner at all. But Evan was in their apartment right now. She was worried that she would not be able to handle the man alone.

Ellie started pacing while clutching the phone to her ear tightly. She was struggling to put her words together.

Anya frowned slightly when she noticed the long bout of silence on the other end of the line. “What’s wrong, Ellie? Why are you so quiet?”

“Anya……..” After a moment of hesitation, Ellie finally decided to tell Anya the truth. She was sick with worry. Evan might be here to take Eudora and Nathaniel away. She steeled herself before finally blurting out. “Anya, Evan’s in our apartment.”

Her words sent Anya reeling back in alarm. Her fingers trembled. She whipped her head around immediately. Her eyes searched frantically for a familiar face. Evan was not seated at the table next to theirs.

Panic surged through the young woman like a tsunami. She seemed to have forgotten all about Jamie who was seated right across the table. Her mind was somewhere else. Anya bit her lips anxiously. “Is he really in our apartment?”

I do?” Ellie had

now.” Anya hung up immediately. She turned towards Jamie with an apologetic look in her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Jamie. There’s an emergency at home. I

had an emergency to attend to. He knew that Anya was not lying. He had heard parts of the conversation earlier. He knew that something terrible had happened.

Let me give you a lift.” The man dabbed his lips lightly with the napkin before placing it down and rising to his

was not going


the middle of dinner. That alone made her feel terrible enough. She shook her head apologetically. “Thanks for the offer, Jamie. I can make my way home. I’m really sorry. I’ll buy you dinner

He was a gentleman who respected a woman’s wishes. Besides, this was their first meeting. He had plenty of opportunities to see Anya again. They


Chapter 1901


nodded. “Bye,

turned away and hurried out of the restaurant.

cab as soon as she

young woman. “Ms. MacMillan, you don’t have to get a cab. I’ll give you a

man was dressed for work. She was startled to see

There was a reason Hayden had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. At this point in time, Hayden

Evan had tasked him to give Anya a lift home.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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