In the end, Leonel could only sigh. He couldn't have imagined that instead of making an incorrect guess, the scanners of this city hall would actually slot them into the Variant category. This could be considered to be even worse than Leonel's worst case scenario.

According to James, Variants were individuals with abilities rated above the S-grade. There weren't accurate enough devices to measure them, so they could only be lumped together. However, most importantly, all of these individuals had spotlights trained onto them.

Of those who survived the initial stage of the Metamorphosis, there were a few dozen who achieved this hidden grade of sorts. This number couldn't be considered large, but it wasn't small either.

Since the grade was so vague, there were obviously differences in strength between those who had this Variant title, but those differences were often not obvious, at least at the start. Earth was still in its infant stages, what would happen in the future was still difficult to decipher.

Leonel stepped out from the sphere Faraday cage-like device. It was constructed by numerous separate pieces of circular metals, attached to each other at two points and spread apart until they formed a ball shape large enough for ten humans to enter at once.

The moment he did, he felt like he wasn't a human who had stepped out from a steel ball, but rather a hamster who had fallen from his hamster wheel.

The feeling of being the center of attention wasn't something Leonel was unused to. If it wasn't for this catastrophic event, he would probably have tens of millions of fans watching him play football every week. But this was still a weird feeling.

The weirdest gazes came from those wearing what looked like lab coats, the symbol of Royal Blue Province's most prestigious research lab — Blue Pearl Research and Labs — embroidered onto their lapels. They looked no different from ravenous beasts looking toward a piece of fresh meat.

To scientists like them, the Metamorphosis was like a gift to a child on Christmas. Which of them didn't want to uncover the truths behind these mysterious occurrences? Humans might not have many redeeming qualities, but one thing they were was curious — and they felt an insatiable need to cure themselves of this curiosity.

two Variants brought was simply unimaginable. How could

split into a river of two and engulfed

allow me to track your brain waves for a single month. I'll give you ten

I only want you to wear this micro camera so that I can monitor and record your fights.

themselves! You're a sensory type, right?! You're perfect for my research. Unlike these idiots who seem to believe you can only be the lab ra — I mean honorable test subject for one of

seemed bashful about all this. Her cheeks had a slight tint of red to them and she looked toward

psychotic nerds! Don't

The scientists

of the fort's city hall received some more guests. The ding of a large elevator's descent could be

underground lab to land on both Aina and Leonel who were both being

easily picked out Tier 5 Admiral Millan. This time, his relaxed, but stern, expression had a bit of dark tint to it. Clearly, he knew how great the opportunity he had missed was now that Leonel and Aina were Variants. However, he also knew that this would have been exposed eventually, and his family wasn't qualified to hoard such talents to

skirt. Her hair was pinned up in a neat bun and her delicate features were hardly hidden behind the

holding back the towering mounds on her chest. However, that view was partially obscured by the clipboard she held to

was just a secretary. In fact, the identification tag hanging from her waist made this guess all the

how one looked at it, she still shouldn't

joined our Royal Blue Fort, this

room. She curiously observed Aina before turning her gaze toward Leonel, but she was surprised to find that the young

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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